Chapter 1: Happiness is Bliss

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(Nathan and Lara are traveling along the road, listening to the tunes on the radio.)

Lara: "Nate, where are we going?"

Nathan: "We're going to get my brother." (He takes out his communicator and hands it to Lara.)

Nathan: "Here, tell Sully we're on our way to pick him up and then my brother."

Lara: "Got it." (She switches to his channel.)

Lara: "Sully, do you copy? It's your stepdaughter, Lara." (There was static at first and then there was Sully's voice onto the communicator.)

Sully: (COM) "Hey, kids! How are you?"

Lara: "We're doing just fine."

Sully: (COM) "That's just amazing!"

Nathan: "We're coming to get you, if you want to come."

Sully: (COM) "Hell yeah, I'm coming with you."

Nathan: "Alright, we're in California. Where are you?"

Sully: (COM) "I'm at the Chrysler Jones Hotel which isn't that far from where you are."

Nathan: "Okay. We're on our way to you."

Sully: (COM) "See you then, kids."

Nathan and Lara: "Alright." (Lara hangs up. She chuckles.)

Nathan: "What?"

Lara: "Sully is very silly."

Nathan: "Yeah, that old man is a trip."

Lara: "Do you think he'll come to the anniversary party?"

Nathan: "I hope so. We'll see." (He kept driving and he saw the hotel. Sully was standing on the sidewalk waiting.)

Sully: "Hey, hey! How are you new lovebirds doing?"

Nathan: "We're fine. Now, get in. We have to find my brother's location."

Sully: "Alright, alright. Calm yourself, speedster." (He got in the back seat behind Lara.)

Sully: "How are you doing, Lara?"

Lara: "I'm good. How are you?"

Sully: "Tired from all that running I did on the beach."

Nathan: "I told you not to do it."

Sully: "Uh huh. Whatever, kid."

Nathan: "Gotta contact my brother." (He dialed his number on his cellphone and waited for the number to dial. He waited for his brother's voice.)

Sam: (COM) "Hello?"

Nathan: "Hey, brother!"

Sam: (COM) "Hey, Nate. Haven't heard you in a while."

Nathan: "I know. Hey, where are you?"

Sam: (COM) "I'm standing at the Pier."

Nathan: "Marlow's Pier?"

Sam: (COM) "You got it, bro."

Nathan: "Okay. Wait for me there. I have a surprise I want you to see."

Sam: (COM) "Sure thing. I'll be waiting."

Nathan: "Okay, sit tight. I'm on my way."

Sam: (COM) "I promise. I'm not leaving."

Nathan: "Good."

Sam: (COM) "Okay, bye."

Nathan: "Yo." (He hangs up and puts his cellphone in the glove comparment. He looks at the signs.)

Uncharted Tomb/Far Cry 3 Crossover 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ