Chapter 12: Keep Your Head In The Game

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(Gunshots were in the air while Lara keeps running.)

Vaas: "Find her! Find her, now!"

Lara: "Oh. Oh, my god." (She pushes through bushes and saw guards talking and she stops to hide behind a palm tree. Lara takes a peek.)

Guard #2: "Want to go grab a beer really quick?"

Guard #3: "Nah, I have to keep watch and make sure no one escapes this island."

Guard #2: "Come on. It won't take that long just to get a swig. It's not like Vaas is watching."

Guard #3: "Alright, but if one of the guards starts snitching, I'm going to put snakes inside your mattress tonight."

Guard #2: "Whoa, whoa. You wouldn't."

Guard #3: "I would. Just a handful of them in a bag. Did it before."

Guard #2: "Wow. You're one serious guy."

Guard #3: "You're damn right and don't forget my name is Snake Dweller."

Guard #2: "I swear I won't. Come on let's go." (They walked away and Lara slowly moved away from the palm tree and walked carefully through the bushes. Lara suddenly tripped over a rock with her high heel shoes and one of the heels broke off.)

Lara: "God damn it all. Well, that's probably the first time this happened and I usually hate wearing high heels." (She threw the high heeled shoes into the river. One of the security guards heard that while he was sleeping. The sound woke him up.)

Security Guard: "Huh?" (He shined his light around the bushes where Lara was.)

Lara: (Whispers) "Oh, crap. Just keep your head in the game, Lara. Make him confused that it was rocks that fell instead of the shoes."

Security Guard: "Who's out there?" (He didn't hear anything and Lara kept really still. The security guard lowered his flashlight.)

Security Guard: "That's funny. I could've sworn I heard someone or something. Huh. Probably a rat." (The security guard sat back in his chair and watched TV. Lara sighed a relief.)

Lara: (Whispers) "Okay, got to find Nathan and the others." (She ran straight through a straight road path and a flashlight was shined on her. It was the same security guard.)

Security Guard: "Hey, stop right there!"

Lara: "Damn it!" (She ran through a bunch of palm trees and bushes which is tearing up her dress and scratching up her face and left arm. The security guard took out his walkie-talkie and spoke to Vaas.)

Security Guard: "Vaas, I think I lost the girl. She's a fast one, I tell you. I couldn't catch up."

Vaas: (COM) "There is no excuse, Pablo! You had one f****** job to do and you failed me, hermano! If you don't find her, I'll come to visit your house and destroy entire f****** family! Understand? Find her or you're DEAD!!!" (He shuts off his walkie-talkie. Lara kept going through and saw her arm.)

Lara: "Great. I can't go to Nathan like this. He'll freak out for sure. I need some assistance and quick, but where do I go?" (She looked around and saw a little hut with lights on.)

Lara: "Maybe there's supplies in there I need. Perfect." (She stayed crouched while running towards the hut and she smelled cinnamon apple pie.)

Lara: "Wow, smells delicious. No, Lara. Don't think about dessert right now, your friends need you." (She heard the door open to the hut and Lara gasps because a man had a shotgun actually it was an old man.)

Old man: "Alright, who's here to hurt the old man? I got a shotgun and I'm not afraid to use it. Come out or face the barrel of my gun!" (He heard the bushes rattle and Lara slowly got up with her hands up.)

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