~1~Thank You~1~

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ITALICS-Another language(Known)/Stressed words

BOLDS-Another language(common phrase/unknown) emphasis



There he was standing there with the most casual denim jacket, unbuttoned to reveal a plain white tee underneath. His long black jeans, neatly held together with a firm white riveted belt He stood calmly; still, yet a tiny bit worried with his brown eyes locked onto me while I was too busy assessing his beautiful features. It was him for sure

The blond hair, parted to the side and styled in a way so that his face was perfectly sharp and aligned, thin lips that looked soft and kissable, and stern shoulders. But, a cold face.

He was perfect. And, he was also Kris. I walked over to him with my pink converse wedges, in my black ruffled skirt, hair down with a top ponytail listening to growl on my mp3 player.

The closer I came, the more confused his face looked. Kris was tall, so I got on my tippy toes close to his ears and bit it. "You crazy woman!" he pushed me off of him, tried to thwart me with his satchel. But I was too quick.

I moved aside, and danced my way over behind him and wrapped both of my arms around his waist from the back, clenching my hands tightly together while resting my head.

"Xiè Xiè, I've always wanted to do that!" I say, slipping away catching a glimpse of his red ear, and blushing face.

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