Chapter 1

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Jake's POV

To say it was weird being in my hometown was an understatement. It felt empty being back here where I had to leave all my childhood memories behind. As I walked out of the train station with my luggage I glanced around looking for a cab to catch but as suspected there wasn't one. It was nearly 2am and most cab services would have been closed for the next few hours. I sighed softly before starting to walk down the dark empty street surrounded by trees.

It seemed like days went by before I arrived at my family's old house. It was just on the outskirts of town surrounded by trees, and not too far from the main highway. I stood in front of it for a while soaking in all the memories I had here. I was finally home.

As I unlocked the door images flashed in the back of my head on what shape the house would be in. I expected it to look a bit messy but when I opened my eyes I was appalled by what I seen. The house was ruined, a wreck. There was random tags on the wall and beers scattered along the floor. I dragged my luggage in and put it in a corner. I really couldn't live in this condition but I was too tired to bother cleaning. I dug my hand into my back pocket grabbing my wallet quickly counting money I had left.

Two hundred and fifty dollars wasn't much money to last me until I got a job. My parents agreed to pay the first two months for me until I completely got on my feet which I thought was a bit more unreasonable now considering the conditions of the house.

I grabbed some clothes changing into sweats and a long T-shirt before I grabbed my blanket. I laid all of my luggage down on the front porch and closed the door before sitting on them resting my head against the cold damp wood. "Such a great welcome back home." I muttered to myself before yawning softly dozing off to sleep.

Waking up to horns honking and traffic passing by not too far away was something I'd have to get used to again. I slowly pushed myself up and cracked my stiff back trying to loosen up a bit. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and sighed realizing all of the work I would have to do today or at least try to do by today. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time wearily.


I called myself a cab and brought my stuff inside waiting for it to come. I walked around the house making a mental checklist before going upstairs glancing inside the rooms and bathroom, once I heard a car horn blare furiously I ran downstairs and closed the door getting inside of the cab telling him my destination.

I looked out the window just watching the scenery as we quickly passed by it before closing my eyes. I was on my own right now, and it was sinking in more and more that I was responsible for myself and had no one to watch over me. My parents said I'd regret leaving and that I'd run back to them like a little child. But I was determined to prove them wrong, what's the whole point of being somewhere that makes you unhappy? There isn't, that's why I had to leave and prove them wrong. I could make it on my own without them, I'd just have to work hard and be more serious.

Once we arrived to hardware store I paid the cab driver and got out the car grabbing a carriage heading inside. I went straight to the paint section and looked at all the colors contemplating on which one to get. The different shades of grey had really captured my eyes along with blue but I couldn't decide which one to get, when I glanced over to the other side I seen the beautiful shades of purple, green, and red. Honestly I felt like a little kid in a candy shop. I couldn't decide on which one to get. I thought this would end up being more easier then it was at the moment.

"Hello," A soft but deep voice said to me as I was turning around to leave. "Need any help with choosing a color? I can assist you if you'd like." I looked over his tall frame and his sharp jaw line, his face was very masculine and sharp but he seemed to be around my age. Maybe a few years older than me. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow examining me back. "Is there something on me..?" He questioned before looking over himself.

"No." I said quickly before hardening my stare on him. "I don't need your damn help okay? I'm not a child." I walked by him trying not to go in a rush even though my spirit felt like it ran off without me. When I turned the corner I dashed for the tool area and grabbed the ones I needed to repair the stairs inside the home and the plumbing. I was actually glad I was able to handle myself well.

I checked my items out at the self checkout scanning them one by one and dropping them into a go bag. I sighed remembering the load of clean up i'd have to get to once I headed home. I finished loading the items and took off after calling me a cab back. The ride was silent but short and soon I was home to the dump and clutter I had to burden myself with to clean.

I walked into my home locking the door behind me as I set the bags down and pulled the items out setting them by the wall. I threw the then empty bags away and grabbed a broom along with the dust panel. I swept around the floor collecting the dirt, cigarettes, and beer bottles that littered the ground. It took me awhile to get both floors but finally I was done. I grabbed a mop and began to do the same. After a while, I mopped and took down most of the trash in all the rooms and kitchen area. All that was left was re-priming and painting the walls.

The currently old painted walls were chipping and peeling off. I couldn't believe how bad the condition of the house had gotten. I wanted nothing more but to knock out and sleep but there was too much to do to just put it off and procrastinate it for another time.

I laid down some plastic over the ground and began to open up the paint primer. I also set down some brush rollers and moved what little house items were close. It was now 4:34. I began to paint and after a bit of time, I had both the primer and color set on the walls in every room. It was set to sit and dry for a couple of hours now and I could not feel more proud of myself. I threw myself onto the ground finally feeling able to relax. I didn't exactly have a bed for myself. Or a couch. Or any furniture for that matter but I still had a roof over my head and walls to keep me safe. I guess I was just better off than other people.

Alex's Pov:

As I drove home late at night from work exhausted from the dinner rush hour I decided to take a detour to visit my friend in the next town over to possibly crash over there for the night then head out early in the morning. I switched lanes and slowed down driving towards to the highway, before reaching it I passed an old house I thought was abandoned but I seen someone bringing some bags out. It was good that they finally sold the house instead of leaving it abandoned for so long.

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