He got there and saw Luke. Luke said, "Here's your shipment of animal blood and human blood." Simon grabbed them and smiled. He flew the shipment to the hotel.

He got to the hotel and put the blood bags away. Lily came in and said, "Thanks for getting the shipment Simon." Simon nodded. Simon left the hotel. He sent a text to Magnus.

Simon walked around Brooklyn and he got to the bank. He went in and went to take money out. He took out $500. Simon smiled and left. He went to the liquor store and bought some alcohol with his fake ID. He went to the top of a building and started crying. His family died 4 years ago on this day. He started drinking the alcohol and laid down on his back. He finished the drink and threw the bottle. He was crying and he hated it. He blocked the tracking rune and closed the mate bond. Simon said, "My family was always happy until they were in a car accident and my life changed."

Back at the loft, Raphael said, "Where's Simon?"

Magnus said, "He told me he had an errand to run."

Clary gasped and said, "I forgot."

Isabelle said, "What'd you forget?"

Clary said, "Today is the anniversary of his families death." Everyone gasped. Clary grabbed her stele and tried to track Simon with a piece of clothing. Clary said, "I can't find him or feel him."

Raphael went through the mate bond and said, "I can't feel him either. He closed the mate bond."

Magnus tried to track him and said, "I can't track him either. He has to be on water or something or on a building that blocks the warlock tracking."

Christian said, "There's a few places here in New York. The roof of this loft, my place, Taki's, Catarina's, and the institute roof."

Magnus said, "He's not on the roof here. I can't feel anyone up there. I created the wards on the institute and he's not on the roof there either. He wouldn't go to Taki's."

Christian said, "He doesn't know where my place is. Does he know where Catarina's is?" Raphael shook his head.

Clary said, "I think I know what he did. He created a rune that creates wards so you can't be found. It wouldn't be hard for him."

Magnus said, "Goddammit! That child has to stop doing shit like this. Christian, we have no choice." Christian nodded.

Christian said, "Madzie, we need you too. It uses 3 warlocks. It's a complex spell. Follow what we say Madzie." The 3 of them joined hands and they started saying a spell.

Madzie stopped it and said, "I know where uncle Simon is. It's horrible. He's drinking alcohol and very drunk."

Raphael said, "I need to go and get him. Clary, you are coming too. We run at vampire speed too so hold on." Clary nodded and held onto Raphael. Madzie gave Raphael the place and Raphael ran with Clary to Simon.

They got to the building and saw Simon on the roof. They jumped on the roof and saw wards across it. They couldn't go through or they'd die. Clary said, "Simon, it's me. Your best friend Clary. I'm sorry I forgot about the anniversary of the death of your family. You're very drunk and need to come back." Simon made the wards go away and they ran over to him.

Raphael said, "Bebé, you okay. You're not hurt." Simon shook his head and smiled. Raphael said, "You can't fly back. I'll carry you." Raphael carried Simon bridal style and Clary ran after him to the loft.

They got there and Raphael ran in. Everyone gasped at how Simon looked. Simon groaned and Raphael ran him to the bathroom. Simon threw up in the toilet 3 times and Raphael picked him up. Raphael took him to the couch. Magnus said, "Simon, why would you do this? We would've helped you."

Saphael And Malec- Simon the Shadowhunter Where stories live. Discover now