Brotherly Love Ch. 4

Start from the beginning

Alex looks at my drawing. "What is it?" he asks.

"The sky and sun mean that I'm usually bright and happy, while the oncoming storm means that I sometimes have my dark moods. The weeds in the grass mean that no matter how nice and soft I can be, I still have my rough patches. And finally, the circle with the boy symbol means that I'm gay."

He smiles. "It's nice. Are you still in the closet?"

"Yeah, I don't want anyone to know yet."

He nods in understanding. "That's a lot deeper than mine." I look at his and laugh. He literally had just drawn himself.


Alex and I are walking to our lockers after school when we pass a group of football players huddled together beside some windows. He nudges me in the side. "See any you like?" He grind.

"Ew! No!" I punch him on the arm. "Not my type," I mutter.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." He raises an eyebrow, but lets it go. We get our bags off and stuff the things we need inside. Of course the geometry teacher would give us homework on the first day. If I become president one day, I'll make a law against anything mathematic.

"Hey, the gym teacher wanted to talk to me about me 'slacking off' during class, so I'll catch up to you later," Alex tells me.

I nod. "See ya later." I walk back in the direction we had come from. The football players are still there, and when I walk by, a familiar voice calls out to me.

"Hey there Fairy, been sucking any dicks lately?" It's the guy from the mall. I freeze in place from fear, but my blood boils from anger. I spin around.

"No, actually. Were you wanting my services?" I ask him sweetly. "I may be getting out of practice."

His lip curls in disgust. "You little faggot," he snarls. He lunges at me, landing a hard punch to the side of my face. I hit the wall behind me, my head spinning. He laughs at me, and his friends join in. I glare up at him, my anger reaching its boiling point. I lift my fist and punch him in the face as hard as I can. I hit his nose, and I can feel the cartilage being crushed beneath my fist. Blood gushes from his now broken nose, and there is fire in his eyes.

His thug buddies surround me, holding my arms so I can't go anywhere. The guy I punched lets out a cruel, blood-chilling laugh. "You're really gonna regret that Faggot," he tells me. "Your big brother isn't here to protect you now." My eyes widen in terror. There's nothing I can do since I'm being held down. He swings his fist, landing a blow to my stomach, and knocking the air out of me. I wheeze, trying to suck in some air. He kicks me in the side of the head. I can feel the left side of my face swelling up already. He then brings his leg up between my legs. Well, there goes my chance of having kids when I get older.

The guys let me fall to the floor where I curl up into a small ball on my side, holding my stomach and my crotch. He lands one more kick to my back before I hear the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. "What the hell are you doing?!" Adam snarls. I open my eyes to see Adam with Drew and three more of their friends. My brother looks like an avenging angel from Heaven as he comes at the thug that beat me up. He punches him square in the jaw, making his head snap to the side. He falls to the ground, unconsious. Adam continues to kick and punch the guy as he lays on the cold, concrete floor of the abandoned hallway.

I look around to see Adam's friends beating the football players' asses pretty badly. A lot of them have blood seeping from wounds on their faces, or bruises already forming. They gather up their unconsious friend and run out of the school.

Adam runs to me and crouches down. "Matt? Matt, what hurts?"

"My f-face, stomach, back..." I trail off as sobs suddenly rack through my battered body. He gathers me in his arms, rocking me back and forth. I guess his friends have left because we're alone in the hallway. He rubs his hand up and down my back, while the other pets my hair. He murmurs calming words to me.

"Shh, Matt. You're all right. I'm here. You're all right." I cling to him so tightly my fingers hurt, but I don't care. His embrace feels good, even though my body hurts like Hell. I never want to leave his arms.

When my sobs quiet down to sniffles with the occasional tear escaping my eye, Adam stands up, picking me up with him. He carries me bridal style to his car, and buckles me into the passenger seat. He goes around to the driver's side and gets in. We drive home in silence. I'm almost asleep when he pulls up into the drive way. He comes back around to my side and gets me out, then carries me into the house. Our parents aren't home yet, thank goodness.

Adam carries me to the bathroom, setting me down on the sink. He leaves the room and comes back with a wash cloth. He wets it with warm water, and begins dabbing it on my face, washing any stray blood that had leaked from a small cut below my left eye. He leaves again, and comes back with a band-aid. He sticks it on the cut. He then removes my shirt to see my stomach and back. "Do you think you need to go to the hospital?" He asks me quietly. I shake my head 'no'.

He lightly touches the large bruise on my stomach, making me wince. "Sorry," he murmurs. He leaves for the third time, and comes back with two bags filled with ice, covered in damp cloths. He presses one against the bruise on my stomach, and the other on the bruise on my back. The one on my back isn't very bad, so he moves that ice pack to my face. I don't need to look in the mirror to know that I have a black eye, along with some swelling and the cut.

He hasn't looked me in the eye the entire time he's been doctoring me up. "Adam," I whisper. He doesn't respond. "Adam, look at me," I say a little louder. His ice blue eyes meet my baby blue ones. We just stare at eachother for a while, until I slowly lean forward, lightly pressing my lips against his.

Well this has been an interesting first day of school.


THEY FINALLY DID IT! THEY KISSED! But wait! Will Adam kiss him back or be disgusted? What do you think will happen? What do you want to happen? What do you think of Alex lately? What do you want to do to the thugs that beat Matt up? COMMENT AND TELL ME! An vote and fan too ;). Drew is to the side>> He is played by Oliver Sykes. That's really a horrible picture I chose a couple years ago. Awesome song to the right also>> ;D

I know I said I would upload a couple of days ago but a boy at my school committed suicide due to bullying last week so I was quite a bit preocupied with that. Keep him and his family in your prayers <3

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