Chapter Fifty One ~ I'm The Better Twin

Start from the beginning

"Can you wear this one? I like you in red."

"Yeah, I didn't know that. Well, just so you know I love you in blue." Niall said, bending down and kissing me. After a few seconds I pulled away, kissing his lips quickly once more.

"I'll be back." I said.

                I walked out of my room and down towards my parents room. The door was opened and I heard my Dad teasing my mom about something. I knocked on the wall and looked in, walking in when I saw they were decent.

"Hey Mom, can I borrow a pair of your heels?" I asked. She nodded and opened her closet door, waving me over to here.

                My mom had a huge collection of heels. She's got over fifty pairs, easily. It came in handy because I'm the same shoe size as her, so I always ended up borrowing some of hers. I sat down on the floor in her closet, and she sat down next to her.

"I really like Niall, he's great." My mom said.

"Yeah, he is." I said, smiling up at her before turning back to the heels.

                Trust me, no one knows how great Niall is better than I do, but I need to find some heels for tonight. I want something dressy, but at the same time I want something that embraces the fact that I'm a twenty year old girl.

"As a mother I'm required to ask this, what are your plans for the future?" My mom asked.

"Uh... well I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He feels the same way, but we are just so young right now. I mean we live together and all, but that was only for a little while before the tours. I hope eventually we get married, I really love him." I said, looking up at mom.

"Well, he loves you too. It's so obvious. He's tried so hard to make us like him, it's funny because we liked him way before you got here. I still can't believe you're leaving in a day. The time just flew by." My mother said, tears welling in her eyes at the end.

                My eyes filled with tears too, I've never been able to see my mother cry without crying myself. I set the heels that I had picked out aside and wrapped my arms around my mother. She started fully crying now and a few tears slipped out of mine as well.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I just can't believe you'll be leaving so soon. It's so weird without you here. And with Toby told us all he was planning on proposing yesterday. Two out of the three kids I have are gone, they've all left me." My mom said.

"Mom, that's not true. I've never left you. I know I live so far away, but I'm only a flight away. It's my fault, I don't come home enough. I'll visit a lot more. I could bring the girls, I know how much you love them and think of them like daughters. I'll bring Niall too. And you can come to London. You'd love it there." I said, saying anything to get my mother to cheer up.

"I'd love for you to visit more. I feel like you don't even think of this as your home anymore. And I know you probably think that Niall is your home, but I want you to think of this as your home as well." Mom said, wiping her tears.

"I do, mom. I always will." I said.

                I can't believe that she thinks I don't think of this as my home. It is and it always will be. I have two different homes. My home here with my family, and my home in London with Niall. I can't choose between the two, but they are still my homes.

                After a few minutes of trying to control our tears my mother got up and claimed that she had to fix her makeup. I knew she was probably just going to cry, but I also knew that she needs to have a few moments alone. I grabbed the heels and stood up, wiping some of the tears off my cheeks. I really do hate it when my mother cries. It's just so depressing.

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