18-This is who I am?

Start from the beginning


Javier was off to school again that morning. He still got stomach aches every time. Especially since Luis wasn't there who he happened to be worried about. He hasn't made any other friends, he just ate lunch alone and know one bothered to talk to him. He knew he didn't go out of his way either but he was newer than most, they should be the ones to say something first. He hated the cold weather on top of it. He wondered if they ever had sun and warmth here in Ohio, it was far different from California and Mexico where most days you could run outside barefoot without a coat. And his conscience was killing him, he knew he's done the wrong thing concerning his contract. One of the rules was always, to be honest, the boys were nothing short of liars. He walked along the old streets, passing all the houses that could use a bit of fixing up. Cars sped by.

I hate this, I want to go home. He thought. I should have never agreed to something like this, I clearly wasn't ready.

He kept his head down the whole way thinking of how he had to do everything right. He was a perfectionist and worried about getting all his homework done, making sure he always looked his best and acted his best. It was a lot to keep up with and stressed him out most the time. He entered the school doors once again walking straight to his locker. He didn't look up at anyone. So before class, he went into the bathroom, locked himself in a stall and pulled out his phone.

J- Luis where on earth are you? I have been texting and calling for the last few days? I'm really worried now! Please give me a call, I understand you hate me but just let me know you're okay.


Dylan heard Agustin and Isla talk to one another, they were clearly getting on really well. Perhaps Agustin was going to let Brighton go, besides he forgot all about her which was rude!

"See you later Isla." He heard Agustin say from the entry hall.

"See you, Agustin." Isla was clearly smiling when she said that, even though Dylan couldn't see her he could hear it in her voice.

Dylan heard Agustin coming down the hall, he was waiting by the front door. The boys were leaving together that morning, Dylan had the car but since he started work later that day he was going to drop Agustin off first. Dylan didn't say a thing to Agustin, saving the lectures till they got in the car safe from Isla hearing. Dylan hopped in and Agustin got into the passenger seat. They buckled up and Dylan drove off.

"I added taking the cat into the good deed contract. Then I notified the animal control too, I hope Novi is just a stray so I can keep her. Anyhow they're coming for her this afternoon."

Dylan hated how careless Agustin was being, it was as if Isla or Brighton were never in the picture. Then Agustin's phone buzzed. "Who's that?" Dylan asked.

"My Mama." Agustin smiled.

"What did she say?" Dylan proceeded.

"That she loves me. I miss her."

Dylan was a bit nervous to address Agustin, he didn't want him to feel bad seeing he was very sweet. But he had to lay it out plain, that was all a part of the bond, the one Dylan knew they neglected. "Agustin?"

Agustin turned to him with a smile, he's been much happier again. "Yeah?"

"Are you and Isla back together?"

Agustin blushed. "What?"

"Well, are you?" Dylan repeated.

"No, we're just friends."

Typical answer for a person who's heart been broken. Dylan thought. "What about Brighton?" Dylan asked. He could tell Agustin was beginning to panic, he shifted in his seat and his cheeks were the color of tomatoes.

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