There was a moment of silence after Ava finished her story.

"Blimey," said Hugo.

"That means there was a boggart in our dorm this whole time," said Viola, disappointment that she hadn't had the chance to get a peek at it.

"I'm not so sure that's true,"'said Ava.

"Well, where else would the boggart come from?" asked Ginny.

"I think someone let it out," said Ava.

"Why do you think that?" asked Hugo.

Ava unfurled a fist Viola had neglected to notice was clenched the entire time. In the palm of her hand was a crumpled piece of paper.

Viola picked it up and in-crumpled it. A message was scrawled across the page.

Fear me now
Just where you are
For I hold the boggart
In a jar
- Vascara Telt


The month of October seemed set on bringing in all sort's of adventures into the life of the students at Hogwarts. It decided to end the year with a bang, and threw the whole castle into uproar on the night of Halloween after the Fat Lady was attacked by the one and only Sirius Black.

"Maybe he's Vascara Telt," suggested Hugo as he, Ginny, Viola, and Ava stood in the great hall discussing the matter at hand.

"Sirius Black? I don't think so. Vascara Telt sounds like a girl name," said Viola.

"Exactly! That way no one would know it was him!" said Hugo.

Ginny didn't say anything as two began to bicker over the matter. Ginny was rather shaken from the whole ordeal.

After the Halloween feast, which was filled with delicious food and entertainment provided by the ghosts, all the students had headed back to their dormitories as usual, but when the corridor ending with the portrait of the fat lady was all jammed up.

"What's going on?" Ginny had asked, squeezing through the crowd to where Ron, Hermione and Harry Potter were standing.

No one answered her question. A moment later Professor Dumbledore arrived on the scene. Ginny couldn't see what was happening as she was much shorter than the majority of students, but their was an audible gasp from the crowd closest to the common room: Dumbledore spoke to Professors McGonagall, Lupin, and Snape as they also came rushing over, "We need to find her. Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the fat lady."

"I don't understand," said Vera Raymond in confusion from where she'd stood beside Ginny.

Ginny just shook her head not quite sure. Colin popped up in front of them. He was small and had managed to squeeze his way up to the front. He now wore an excited expression on his faces.

"It's the fat lady! She's missing!" said Colin.

Ginny was about to reply when Peeves the Poltergeist came flying over head.

"You'll be lucky," the Poltergeist cackled.

"What do you mean Peeves?" asked Dumbledore.

The poltergeist's smile faded slightly as he realized who he was speaking to.

"Ashamed, Your Headship, sir," said Peeves in an oily tone. Doesn't want to be seen. Saw her running through landscapes up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between scenes. Crying something dreadful. Poor thing," he added.

"Did she say who did it?" asked Dumbledore quietly.

"Oh yes, Professorhead," said Peeves, flipping upside down with a broad grin on his face. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let you him in, you see. Nasty temper he's got that Sirius Black."

The corridor had immediately erupted into panic and uproar at that moment. Dumbledore quickly sent them into the great hall where they were soon joined by the other houses.

Viola, Ava, and Hugo had come to ask Ginny what was going on. After Ginny explained, they all immediately started talking theories about Sirius Black, and Vascara Telt. Ginny didn't feel much like talking about either. The note in the jar indicated that someone was attacking people with a boggart, and that reminded Ginny far to much of last year. Luckily Ava seemed to decide it was a good time to change the subject as well.

"Never mind Vascara Telt," she said, "Why on earth would Sirius Black break into Hogwarts of all places?"

That was a question many, if not all, the inhabitants of Hogwarts were asking.

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