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Where am I?

What is this place?

Am I dreaming?

Those thoughts went in his mind constantly as he stared in this blank space. He faced foward and could see himself perfectly as there was suddenly a mirror.

It was silent...

He was alone...

He wanted to get out of the painful space as it made him think about what could have been.


There was a flash.

The mirror opened and the man saw a bright light. And a voice ecoed

"What is your deepest desire?"

He smiled lightly for a second thinking about those things before tears streamed down his face.

The happy moments...

The fun they had...

He wanted to go back...

He wanted to start over again...


Why would something...

Talk to him so...


He heard a chuckle.

And everything faded to black...

I was kind of scared to start publishing this...

Lost In Memories - SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now