Training Day

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(Your P.O.V)

It has been around 4 1/2 months or so since I've joined the Winchesters and Cas in their living quarters and so far I've loved it!!! They are so nice and attentive, always joking around when they don't come home tired from a previous hunt.

I had been staying behind in the bunker and not joining in on the hunting just yet, and Cas had been staying with me only until he was needed. Luckily I've been able to continue my schooling, even if it is online it's better than nothing at all and I've also been able to continue my visits to the hospital, though Dean was apposed to it from the beginning he eventually came around noticing how much I truly liked it, also for the mere reason that I can take care of them when cas wasn't around to heal them quick. Either way I am content.

I've asked if I can go with them to hunts but they refuse for some time to let me tag along. Dean had said it was too dangerous for me to come along and they didn't want anything to happen to me. I've come to realize that they have become very protective of me, don't bother me much, in fact I like it, makes me feel loved although sometimes it does get a little too much to bare with. But I'm a stubborn person, never giving up on wanting to go with them. I suggested that I should train for it, you know just in case and even if I don't always join at least I would know how to defend myself more properly if anything were to happen.

Sam and Cas agreed to it immediately, Dean on the other hand... well it took a little longer to convince. Just to let you guys in a little secret, I've learned how to give the puppy dog eyes from both Sam and Cas, so when we were trying to convince Dean to let me be a part of the team "officially" Sam, Cas, and myself stood there in front of a poor, unsuspecting Dean and gave him the saddest puppy dog eyes ever until he finally cracked!!

Of course if that wouldn't have worked out the way I wanted, I always had a backup plan in my midst, hehe... as knowing that Dean loves pie and I'm not too far behind of that delicious dessert well, let's just say I would have threatened to eat all his pies until I were to be allowed to join the hunt....


Sam had invited me to accompany him on a few errands so I could have some fresh air and not be stuck in the bunker too much, to which I was so thankful for and I obliged and soon we were on our way back what I know call home. As I helped Sam with the groceries in the kitchen and I felt a little hungry, I decide to grab one of the many pies we brought back for Dean.

I then remember what Sam told me, about how much Dean loves his pies and how it's practically a necessity in his life, can't live or breath without it. A devilish smile creeps onto my face as I think to myself, 'I wonder how Dean would react, when he finds out I took the first bite out his precious pie...' at the thought of that, it made me laugh a little and went on with my devious plan. Sam only looks at me shakes his head and has a big smile plastered on his face, before he walks out of the kitchen and says "good luck." What Dean doesn't know won't hurt him.

Forgive me, an evil chuckle. I, myself, love me some pie...

As I'm almost finished with this delicious apple pie, I hear Dean making his way into the kitchen

Dean: there you are. I was looking for you and Sammy said you were in here, how was-"

He stopped mid sentence, he noticed I was eating his pie!!! His jaw dropped and I could swear the whole world just stopped.

Dean: hey! That's my pie your eating, woman!!"

I look up at him with a huge smile as I take another bite and say,"what pie??" Acting dumb, as if I had no idea what he's was talking about.

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