Angelic Stranger

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(Y/n P.O.V)

"Damn it!!! Nice move (y/n), now they are definitely gonna have you for dinner"

I mumbled under my breath as I stared at the brick wall in front of me, all I kept thinking was for someone to please help me, find me. I was soon pulled out from my internal prayers, when one them grabbed me, turned me around to face them and pinned me against the wall.

I began to struggle with his grasp, I couldn't breathe, this fucker had his hand tight around my neck and if I didn't find a way out and fast, this will most likely be the end of me. Trying my hardest to claw his hand off my neck, scream for help, suddenly I heard a man's voice coming from behind them. I couldn't see who it was nor where this person came from, but I was desperately hoping they had come to my rescue.

Stranger: leave her..."

It was such a deep, husky voice, again I was faced with reality and now able to breathe some air, I watched as this man took these creatures down rather quickly. I was stunned, I couldn't believe how he had done it so.... so.... quickly.

I looked up and he was there standing, just staring at me. He then approached me and I make no move to get away. In a sense I did not feel threatened by this man, no, I felt relief, safe in his presence. There was something about him, his... energy, his aura felt almost angelic and even though I couldn't quite make out his features, somehow his eyes stood out.

Even in the dark of the night, I could tell he had beautiful blue eyes. His calm demeanor and the sense of security he was manifesting was enough to make me trust this angelic stranger.

As he continued to make his way towards me, again my thoughts were rudely interrupted, this time by a sharp pain on my side that I had completely forgotten I've even gotten hurt. Before I hit the ground, I realize he is now holding me but I can't quite make out if he is saying something, for I feel like I'm falling unconscious from my now worn out adrenaline and the pain I was inflicted on my side. Again another jolt of pain, even worse than before. I looked away from him just slightly when finally I heard his voice again say, "are you hurt???" The pain was starting to become unbarable and I slowly looked up at him and nod, it was all I could do.

From the light the full moon was providing, I could  make out his features, his face was well sculpted, his hair was slightly messy and dark, it complimented his amazing ocean blue eyes. His clothing was of a dark suit, white button up shirt, blue tie and lastly a beige trench coat. His blue orbs were locked with my (e/c) ones, and before I fell completely unconscious, I heard him say...

"I can help you, just hold on. I'll take you somewhere safe."

His voice laced with worry and a hint of curiosity, made me smile just a bit at him before I whispered "thank you" and finally was pulled into the dark abyss.

(Castiel's P.O.V.)

As I was helping Sam and Dean Winchester track down these monsters, before they did any more harm to the innocent, I suddenly heard a prayer invading my mind, a rare occurrence especially when not coming from another angel but I listened nonetheless. It was the voice of a young woman asking for help, I quickly locate the distressed young woman, and there, I witnessed she was being attacked by the very beings the Winchesters and I were trying to get rid of. 

"Leave her," I say to them, but it seemed like they had no desire to do what was being told of them, I quickly fought them off and killed them successfully. As I finished my job, I stood there and stared at this girl, the way the moonlight was shining down on her at just the right angle, I looked deep into her eyes and noticed they were (e/c).

'why would a young woman like her be out this late of night?'

My thoughts were soon interrupted when I heard her let out a small whimper of pain, I looked down to her side and noticed she was bleeding, my eyes widen slightly and approached her. I soon caught her in my arms as she almost fell to the ground, nearly unconscious from the blood lost in her deep wound. "Are you hurt???" I asked, all she could do was nod. There was some commotion right around the corner of the alley where we were located in, presumably a couple of people had heard my quarrel with these beings

"I can help you, just hold on. I'll take you somewhere safe..." 

I said to her with worry yet curiosity. Before she fell unconscious, I faintly heard her whisper a small "thank you." Even with just her small smile, I could see she has a good soul and pure heart but there is something about this girl that I am unable to pinpoint... something I'm unable to decipher.

'Why do I have this need of protecting her??'

I soon interrupt my own thoughts, held her tightly in my arms and zap to the bunker where I know she would be safe. Sam and Dean will understand and willing to help.

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