She looked up to the moon then to me. “You hear the Moon Goddess?”

            I nodded, then I picked up my foot and scratched behind my left ear, had a rather irritating itch there for a few minutes. Her eyes widened as she saw the moon symbol on my forehead. I don’t know how it got there I had it since I can remember.

            “Then… what you say is true then you must be the Moon Goddesses…” she fell silent like they all do. I still don’t know what everyone is talking about when they say that because they never finish it.

            “I must be the Moon ...Goddesses what?” I asked tilting my head wondering if she would tell me.

            She shook her head. “Never mind I was mistaken.” I could smell the lie rolling off of her but I dismissed it.

            “So what are you... doing in the Bhangi wolf ...territory?” My soft voice had somehow getting a bit stern.

            “Walking.” She said bluntly. She was hiding something.

            My eyes became hard with a tint of a fire in them as I bared my teeth lowering my head slightly in a threatening manner.

            “FINE, fine. I was looking for ancient Elven relics.” She looked around. “But apparently they have all been destroyed from the war with the humans, and the elves.”

            I looked at her. “Well you're lucky you ...haven’t be attacked by any creatures out here... there are many that are here.” I tilted my head then looked at the moon.

            It was going down behind the mountains and I accepted that, saying farewell to her and pleasant dreams throughout the day. Then when I looked back to the Elven girl, she was gone. I shot up and looked around and she was no wear to be seen, I couldn’t hear her, or smell her anywhere.

            I looked back to the moon for answers but moon mother was gone, being replaced by her fiery sister. I looked back to where the elf was then I turned and left.

            I never found out where that little elf girl went, because I never saw her again and moon mother wouldn’t tell me where she went.

            I sighed at the memories making Night look at me. I looked back at him my eyes gazing deep into his. I wonder what he was thinking honestly. After all that happened between us there was still a lot of space between him and I. A space I have been trying to fill, but I know the reason for this space… its because I am human and we can not truly bond with each other.

            I tensed at a sudden smell that I have know since I was a baby, the scent of my father. I smell his anger, his disapproval, and his worry. Which made me confused really why would Deroga be worried about me? After all I did he was supposed to hate me.

            Bursting from the bushes my father landed with a thud of his paws skidding slightly to a stop, his brown eyes wild with anger, my mother trotted next to him her creamy colored eyes cool and calm

            I looked at them in wonder, my mother and father had the closest bond than anyone in the pack. Mother was calm, cool, peaceful, and always made everyone happy. Father was stern, strict, barked out orders, and filled with a lot of anger. Mother also had her moments where she lost her cool and when she does you better watch out or your head would be bitten off. Father also had his moments where he was calm and at peace, he can be a really sweetheart. But right now I knew I was going to be yelled at.

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