Chapter 2: Introductions

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Chapter 2: Introductions

"So where did you two say you were from again?" Mr. Dr. Possible said as he watched Star devour the corn on the cob one by one.

The calm Latino-American boy and the hyper, blonde haired, pink heart cheeked girl were quite a sight to see together. Star wore a dark green-blue dress with a lighter blueish green trim, pink striped pants, a spider necklace, white boots with yellow star heels and hot pink soles and hot pink tips. Marco, on the other hand, dressed much less brightly with a light gray shirt, red hoodie, dark gray skinny jeans and olive white sneakers.

"Hey! The rest of us-" Jim started, looking over the diminishing pile of corn cobs.

"-gotta eat too, you know!" Tim finished, grabbing two for himself and Jim before the Mewman princess could eat it all.

Marco chuckled nervously. "Well I'm from Earth and Star here is from Mewni." He sipped some of the soup in his bowl.

"Mew-nee?" Slim asked, pouring a bowl of soup for himself before joining the others at the table, "Never 'eard of it."

Star looked up in the middle of her fifth corn on the cob and said, "Well, it is in another dimension, not a lot of people have heard of it."

"Another dimension?" Kim asked.

"Yeah her parents, the Queen and King of Mewni, sent her to Earth to learn how to use her wand properly and I've been watching over her ever since." Marco smiled, "At first Star really got on my nerves but after we defeated Ludo together we became best friends."

Star used her wand to suck away her six corn husks, to the amazement of those at the table, excluding Marco. "Got on your nerves? Pff, please! Marco jumped from a window in his two-story house just to get away from me!"

Marco crossed his arms, "After you sucked my room into an abyss and put a rain cloud over my head! Can't blame me for going insane."

"Wait a second, you're a princess?" Ron asked as Rufus popped out of his pocket and gasped.

Star finished up her eighth cob. "Yeah pretty much," she muttered to the disbelief of the table.

"You don't sound too excited 'bout it," Joss said as she stirred her stew.

"She's not too thrilled about her mom always wanting to be prim and proper all the time," Marco said as Star rolled her eyes.

"Well, would you? All she does is criticize me about everything I do and it's so annoying, so most of the time I just tune her out." She put her fists on her cheeks and elbows on the table while Marco patted her back. "And right now we have no way to get back home."

"Nonsense, we're heading back to Middleton tomorrow and we can drop you off if you'd like," Mr. Dr. Possible stated as he cleared his plate. "Shouldn't be too much trouble."

"Actually we aren't from this Earth, exactly," Marco clarified scratching the back of his neck. "Same place, wrong dimension."

"We use dimensional scissors to travel from place to place and when we got here we were gonna go back home but..." Star trailed off.

" damaged during the fight," Marco pulled out the ruined scissors. "And Star's wand can't get us home from across dimensions so until we find a way to get these fixed, we're trapped."

"Hmm," Kim said as she pulled out her Kimmunicator and pointed to the scissors. "May I see that?"

"Uhh, sure," Marco handed them over and Kim pushed a button. "Hey Wade."

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