Chapter 1: The Beast

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            I woke up to the insistent noise of my alarm clock; I hated waking up to the shrill beeps, I always woke up in a panic. I sat up in my bed allowing my heart beat to return to its normal pace. I'm not sure how long I sat there before my mother called for me to get up. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and gently pushed them against the floor, standing upright. I padded across the floor to the other side of my room to my dresser. I slowly pulled out the drawer to as far as it would go and picked out the outfit that I would wear. After I shut the drawer, I carried my clothes out of my room and into the bathroom across the hallway.

The grey tiles on the floor were cool against my feet, as I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. I set the temperature the way I liked it. Not too hot but not warm either, it was halfway between the two. As I stepped into the shower I felt the water cascade down my shoulders to my back and then down my legs. Feeling the water against my skin felt relaxing, it relieved me from my worries of the previous day. I washed my hair and my body, my shampoo smelled of green apples. It was my favorite sent. I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off with my towel, then I got dressed and combed my hair with my hair brush, trying to get through the tangles of my unruly hair.

I skipped down the steps to the kitchen, where my parents sat eating there breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee. "Good morning sweet heart did you sleep well last night, I hope you went to sleep at a reasonable hour." My mother said after she finished chewing her scrambled eggs. "I slept alright, and I didn't study too late." I replied, taking a piece of bread and putting it in the toaster. I leaned against the cupboards and looked at my parents. "Do you guys have to work today, or do you have the day off?" I asked.

"I'm off, but your mother has to go work a shift at the hospital today." My father answered. The toast popped up from the toaster signifying that it was finished. It was a nice golden brown colour. "Oh okay," I say as I grab the butter that was on the counter and start applying it to my toast with a butter knife. "Why, were you hoping that we both had to work?" My father teased. "No I was just curious." I bite into the toast and feel it crunch as I chew. I could feel pieces of it scrape against the top of my mouth as I savoured every bite, loving the buttery goodness of it. I glanced over at the clock on the stove, it read 7:50 a.m. "I have to go now, I'll see you guys later." I say as I walk over to the front door and pull on my sneakers and grab my book bag. "Good luck on your exam today honey!" My mother called out to me before I shut the door.

I pull out of the driveway and onto the road in my 2007 red Ford Fusion. As I drive to school I turn on the radio and Cheap Thrills by Sia comes on. I quietly sing along; even though I was alone, I was still embarrassed by my horrible singing voice. I knew I couldn't sing, I didn't need anyone to tell me. As I drove, I passed something lying on the side of the road, I didn't quite catch what it was. I looked up in my rear-view mirror. I did a double take, could that be a person? I pulled over onto the side of the road and got out of the car; I grabbed my cellphone from my pocket and dialled 911 without pressing the call button, in case it wasn't a real person and just a figment of my imagination. I looked both ways before crossing the road, and quickly walked over to where I believed a human lay.

As I neared, I realised that my suspicions were correct. My breath hitched, I hoped they weren't dead. I brought my cell phone up to my ear after placing the call. I heard a rustle in the bushes, I scanned the bushes looking for what could have made the noise. It's probably just the wind, I told myself. "911 What is your emergency?" The operator questioned. 

"There is a boy laying on the side of the road he looks to be about 20, I think he might be unconscious...or dead. He's on Riverview road, just past the big turn." I dropped my phone when I heard another rustling noise from the bushes and then a hiss. That is definitely not the wind, I thought. My heart rate quickened and so did my breaths. Every cell in my body urged me to run, but I couldn't leave the boy. What if he's still alive? What if whatever was in the bushes did that to him?

All of a sudden a hideous beast with blue reptile like skin and giant black horns leaped into the air and over the bushes onto the side of the road; it landed roughly five feet away from me. It had spikes growing out of the tops of its shoulders, and its eyes resembled fire from the pits of hell. It turned its head and looked at me, I could feel its piercing gaze as I stared into its eyes. What do I do? Do I run? I couldn't run it was as if my feet were glued to the ground. My heart was racing a mile a minute, my breath came out in shallow gasps. I'm so scared. I'm going to die!

The beast leaped forward with its claws outstretched, just before the claws were going to swipe against me, a shiny metal blade came down onto the beast and cut off the arm that was about to seriously injure me, if not kill me. The beast hissed in pain as black goo spurted out of the top half of the arm. The beast whirled around turning its attention to its attacker, but before it could make another move the sword flashed up and cut its head clean off of its body. The head fell to the ground with a thump before it rolled next to my feet. I screamed. The rest of the body dropped to its knees and leaned forward until it fell to the ground where it laid to rest.

My eyes looked up to my savior. What kind of monster could take down a thing like that? I was caught off guard to see that my savior was an ordinary human. I starred at my savior. No, it couldn't be. Could it? Is it really him? They do look similar. I glanced over to where the boy had laid on the side of the road, but he was no longer there. "You, you're him, the guy who was laying over there. Right?" I asked, my voice came out stronger than I expected, my limbs were shaking; this guy was intimidating maybe even more so than the beast. "Yes, and thank you by the way for distracting it while I killed it." He had a deep husky voice, with shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes. I was considered quite tall for a girl but he still towered over me.

The body of the beast disintegrated into a pile of black powder that soon dissolved into the air as the wind carried it away. "Wh-what just happened, and what is that thing?" I stammered but as soon as I said it I could hear the sound of sirens wailing in the distance. I'm assuming that my savior heard it too because he went rigid. "You called the cops?" He asked in disbelief. Was it not normal for him to call for help when he thought someone was hurt? "I thought you were hurt and don't change the subject, answer my question!" I'm not sure why I was raising my voice at the guy who just saved my life, but he was just getting on my nerves. "No time now, and darling I can't believe you got the cops involved, you just made things more complicated. Now, hold on tight." Wait-what? He swept me up into his arms carrying me bridal style, and took off at a run into the forest.

He ran, jumping over fallen trees and rocks, carefully navigating the forest floor at a full out sprint. Why did I get the feeling that he's done this before? He finally slowed as we came upon a small pond, shaded by the branches of the tall trees that hung above our heads. I could no longer hear the sirens, we must've travelled a long ways, yet it only felt like I was in his arms for a mere few minutes. I look over at my savior, I wonder what his name is? "Your destiny awaits Madame, oh and I recommend that you hold your breath." Before I could think twice he shoves me into the pond and jumps in after me. When I resurface I wipe the water out of my eyes. "What did you do that for-" I cut myself off as I stare at the sheer beauty that surrounds me.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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