"Yeah. Now come on so I can show you the rest of the house."


Justin then took me down the hall from my room into another big bedroom.

"This is one of the guest bedrooms I was telling you about a few minutes ago. This is the one that Jazzy usually stays in whenever she's visiting with Dad or Jaxon." Justin stated.

"This room is pretty." I told him.

"I thought so too. But whenever Jazzy is here, she always brings a bunch of her stuff and always tells me how she wants a pink room, so I'm going to by pink paint and a pink bed set for her." Justin explained.

"That's nice of you. I always knew you would be a good big brother."

"Yeah. I just want them to have anything they want. Same with my mom. I had made a promise to myself that whenever I got rich, the very first thing I would ever buy is a house for my mom, and I did."

"Wow. You're a good brother and a good son. Wonder what else you are good at."

"Maybe one night you can see what I can do. Just saying."

"Watch it Bieber. Stop being corny."

"I'm just stating the facts."

"Okay. We should finish the tour so we could go see Scooter and give him the news."

10 minutes later

We just finished the tour of the house, and we are about to go see Scooter to give him the good news about me taking his offer. I can't believe that I was given the opportunity to come out with my voice. When I was younger, it was my dream to become a famous pop icon like Katy Perry or Justin or Zendaya or Demi Lovato. But, I never thought that dream would ever come true.

"Hey we will be there in like 10 minutes. You want to stop somewhere and get something to eat before we get there?" Justin asked.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" I questioned.


"Sure. Just no beef or bacon for me. I don't eat that stuff."

"You don't eat bacon?"

"No. Ever since I was younger, I have always hated it. I would never go near it or anything. The smell of it even makes me feel sick."

"Wow. I have never met anyone who hates bacon."

"Really? I have a few friends who hate it as well. We just aren't real fans of meat. The most we would eat is chicken or turkey."

"So you guys are poultritarians?"

"Yeah. We occasionally eat fish, but not a lot. Mostly chicken and turkey."

"Okay. That makes sense. So what do you want from McDonalds?"

"Just a 20 piece chicken nugget, a large fry, and a large Dr. Pepper."

"Okay. Sounds good."

Justin then drove into the drive through McDonalds and ordered our food. When he was finished he drove up to the window and the young girl noticed Justin and squeeled. "Oh my god. . . You're Justin Bieber. How are you?" She asked after calming down for a little bit.

"Hi. I've been good. You a fan?" Justin replied with a question.

"A fan? Justin, I'm a Belieber. I have been one ever since you first came out. I have been with you since the beginning. And I will always be with you. I love you." She explained.

"I love you too." He stated.

"So your total is $20.02." She stated.

Justin handed her 25 dollars and told her to keep the change. The young girl then handed him the bags of food and our drinks. "Here you go, Justin-" She paused when she saw me in the passenger seat. "Hey, are you Rebecca?" She asked.

"Hi. Yeah, that would be me." I replied.

"You guys are so cute together. I heard what happened a few months ago when you guys went to that party. Hope you guys are better." She told us.

"Yeah. We are better, thank you." Justin said.

"I didn't really like that young girl either. What her name? Sofia wasn't it?" She questioned.

"Yeah. That would be her. And we are still pretty good friends." Justin told her. After Justin said that, I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I felt hurt and a little jealous.

"Okay, well, I hope you guys have a great day. It was nice meeting you guys." She said before we drove off.

"That was nice. I love meeting my fans and Beliebers. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here today." Justin stated, which broke the silence.

"Yeah. That is true. You wouldn't be here. They are the ones why found you 9 years ago when you were making YouTube videos." I replied.

"Yup. And that's why I love them so much. They got me where I am now. They were with me then, they are with me now."

"They will always be with you. They love you."

"Yeah. And I love them. And we are here." Justin then drove up to the parking lot and parked close to the doors. We got out of the car with our food and walked inside. As soon as we got inside, the first face we saw was Scooters.

"Hey Scooter." Justin greeted.

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" Scooter asked while giving us hugs.

"I came with good news." I told him.

"What news?" Scooter questioned.

"I've been think about your offer of you becoming my manager these past few days and I wanted to tell you in person that I want you to." I explained.

"Really?" Scooter asked. He grew a big smile once Justin and I nodded our heads yes.

"Yay. This is going to be so much fun." He said while bringing me and Justin into another tight hug. I'm going to like this.


Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been updating a lot lately. I have been caught with school and stuff. These next few weeks will be very busy for me but I will update as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.

-Kristi <3

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