Chapter 34

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Alice's P.O.V

Maejor and I have been shopping at the mall for almost half an hour and I am almost finished with my gift shopping. "So Maejor, how long have you and Justin been friends?" I asked, curiously.

"About a year, year and a half. We met at a friend's party." He answered.

"Oh, okay. That's cool."

"Yeah. What about you and Rebecca? How long have you two been friends?"

"Umm, ever since middle school. We haven't known each other from the start but we have known each other for a long time. We graduated together, we went through heartbreaks together, family situations, everything."

"Wow. You guys sound like sisters."

"Yeah. You can say that. I mean, we did grow up together and went through everything together. This past month was crazy though. I don't know if you got some of the story but Rebecca wouldn't talk to me for a whole week after everything happened with Justin. I though, maybe she would come out after a day or two, but I was wrong. A whole week, she wouldn't leave her room. If she ever came down from her room, it was when either when I was asleep or out of the house. I couldn't talk to my best friend for a whole week because of him. That's why I was mad when they got back together. He made her feel guilty with everything that happened and she wouldn't talk to anyone because of it. It was pain for both of us."

"Wow, really? I'm sorry to hear that. I did know he lost her a few weeks after going out with her. But I didn't know is was like a month after the started going out."

"Yeah. But a little bit after she was feeling better, she came out from her room. Then I set up weekly meetings for her and Scooter. She told me once that Scooter was like her second dad, so I thought, maybe he can help her. Which he did, thank god."

"That must have been a very painful week. I never thought someone could be that hurt because of something. Ignoring that person, yes, I can see that. Everyone does that after they break up with that person. But ignoring your best friend who has always been there for you since the start, I would have never thought something like that would happen. I don't think anyone would."

"Yeah, well. Rebecca is different than other people. Her first break up, let's just say it was one of her bestest friends from Kindergarten and her boyfriend, Jake. She found them when she was looking for Jake. Without explaining anything to him, she packed all of her belongings, and moved here to Cali. She explained everything to me when she found out. I told her parents since she was scared to, and they tried to help her through everything but nothing they tried had worked. Rebecca and I then talked about it, and we decided if e moved away from Europe without telling anyone where we were going, we would be safe. The only people we told were her parents. I don't understand how Jake found out."

"That is a lot of ups and downs. She was pulled from an amazing life because of one guy. Hey, you said you guys only told her parents where you guys were moving?"

"Yeah. We told them the day we were leaving why?"

"Maybe, Jake found out where you guys were doing by threatening her parents. Think about it, you guys only told her parents. None of her friends or anyone from her school knew where she was going. Only her parents. Jake may have been asking about where you guys were going, they wouldn't say, so he threatens them so they would talk. I mean, he's the one who shot you didn't he?"

"You may be onto something. It does make sense and does fit together. But, why would he even want to come all the way out here for an explanation if he can find our numbers or something?"

"Yeah. I watch a lot of Criminal Minds and Law and Order SVU. Maybe he came out here for revenge. Possibly saw her in a news article or something and found her."

"That makes a lot of sense. Thank you." I then hugged him in a tight hug. I did appreciate a lot he did. He was really caring. While Maejor and I were hugging, my phone buzzed.

I pulled away from Maejor and looked at my phone to see that I got a message from Rebecca.

Becky- Hey, just texting to see what you are doing. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Also, need to talk to you when you guys get here. It's important.

"Everything okay?" Maejor asked.

"Yeah. Rebecca was just checking up on me. That's all. Don't worry, she does it all the time." I answered.

"Sounds like my mom."

"There's been times I have actually called her my mom."

I then decided to text her back.

Me- Hi Becky. Just replying to your text. Yes, I am okay. My leg is NOT hurting. I do not need anything. Also, can't wait to hear what you need to talk to me about when we get back. I'm pretty sure it is important. See you later.

"I just replied to her text. What store do you want to go to now?"

"How about... Kay?"

"You want to go to a jewelry store?"

"Just want to check out the nice jewelry they have. I have a collection of jewelry. I don't wear it all the time but I have it."

"Okay. Next stop... Kay."

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