Chapter 22

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Rebecca's P.O.V

I couldn't believe they were both here. Not hurt. Not killed by one another. Both standing high and strong, smiling at me. "Wh-what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We are here to clear everything up with you. You have been ignoring us and it has to stop." One of them said.

"Stop what? Both of you are the problems. There's nothing to fix. It's as simple as that. I hate both of you. You guys made living hard. You both yelled at me while everything was going on. Blaming me like everything is my fault. Hating one another for hanging out with me. Hating me for picking one and not the other. You guys feel hurt? How do you think I feel? Cesar, you had all of your high school years to tell me you like me. You didn't take the chance. Justin, you cheated on me after a small mistake was made  and I didn't even hear it from you. I was told by that stupid brat you call a girlfriend. You guys made everyday hard, so I returned the favor. Justin, it's been a month since I have left you." I ranted.

"I know, Rebecca. I know now that I hurt you and it was my fault. I guess I was just so angry that you two kissed and you didn't tell me. You kept it from me. Then without an explanation, you just left. Wouldn't answer my calls or my texts. Wouldn't call back, wouldn't answer my voice mails. Nothing. Then one day, I saw you leaving here from seeing Scooter. I then knew you were coming here to talk to him. That is why I am here. To talk to you because you won't come to me." Justin explained.

"Well, sorry to crush your dreams but I have nothing to say to you and I don't want to hear a thing you say." I then started storming out of the room. I spoke the truth. They hurt me. They made living hard. They made me sit in pain for weeks. I officially had nothing to say and nothing to hear from them. It's simple. After I left left the building I heard my name being called. Of course, it was Justin.

"Rebecca. . . Rebecca wait up." He called.

"No. Why should I? So you can throw me in the dirt again?" I asked.

"You know I would never do that."

"Well, you did, Justin."

"Yes. I know that now. But I've been trying to get that all fixed up. You have to trust me."

"I don't have to do a single thing you tell me to do. You aren't my boyfriend anymore, remember? You cheated on me. Threw me in the dirt. Threw me away. Now you think I will forgive you? What about me? What if you do it again? I can't go through that again."

"I know. I would never do it again. I promise. I broke up with Selena a long time ago. About a week after you left I broke up with her. I explained to her that you are the one I love, not her. Please Rebecca? I really and truly sorry."

"No." And with that, I got in my car and drove off. I couldn't take it anymore.

I can't live with pain anymore.

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