Chapter 2

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Rebecca's P.O.V

As we walked into Starbucks, I got a few looks from the fans that were held back by Kenny, Justin's bodyguard, but I just shook them off and kept walking. When we got to the cashier, the lady looked at us and smiled. "Hi. Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?" She greeted. She seemed peppy. I don't have a problem with peppy people, but I always feel they are trying too hard to be happy, or look happy. They sometimes look a little crazy, but that my opinion.

"Hi. yes, may I get one large hot mocha espresso with extra cream, a large salted caramel mocha espresso, and two chocolate chip croissant's please?" Justin asked politely.

"Sure. Your total will be $11.80. It will be ready in about 5 minutes." she said still looking and sounding a little peppy still. I just smiled at her and walked away with Justin to a table away from the windows.

"Are you okay? You look a little... different from a few minutes ago." Justin stated.

"Yes, I am fine, Thank you. it's just that... I never knew I would ever have the chance into bumping into you or hanging out with you or getting coffee with you. I mean you are cool and I have loved everything about you since I was younger, but I never thought this would ever happen. That's all. I do like hanging out with you, but I'm just not used to the screaming or the camera's or the flashing. I just have to get used to it. even though I don't now if this will ever happen again." I explained, responding his question.

"I can answer your question, we will still be hanging out every now and then. We have already been seen together, and we can't make it look like I met you today, took you on a 'date' then dropped you like a piece of trash. That would be rude and possibly ruin me for doing that to a Belieber. I mean, you said it yourself, you have been a belieber since you were younger. I don't treat my fans like that. Especially, not after everything my beliebers do for me." He explained.

"That is true. All of it, but what if someone gets the wrong impression and thinks you and I are a thing? It will end up happening, I already know it will, I mean, look at what happened between you and Hailey. One photo was leaked and everyone said you two were a thing. It wasn't true but everyone said something about it." I ranted

"Again, who cares about what everyone thinks? Take me for example. A large group of people think I am not worth listening to, worth waiting for, worth watching, and I should die because I "have no reason for living" when really, I do. I make a lot of people happy with my music, my vines, my appearances, my concerts, everything I do. I mean, before writing my own music, doing covers made people happy and made them fans. The haters just don't see it yet. Some will, but not all of them."

"Okay, I guess you are right. I will no longer think what your fans or paparazzi are going to think or care."

After our order was called, we grabbed our drinks and food, and left the café. I guess I will have to see what the fans of his are going to say and I wonder what the paparazzi are saying, probably some stupid lie.


Sorry it is kind of short. I don't really have time for writing anymore since I made it on the volleyball team so I have to go to practice everyday for an hour and a half plus I get a lot of homework so I try my best everyday to write and post for my story. Also, this is my first story, so please don't hate on it. Thank you.

- Kristi

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