Chapter Seventeen

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"Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or the so-called negative aspects of our life to the side... we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life." ~Jeff Bridges

"Why isn't his ghost showing up?"

"I don't know!" I fell to the floor and cried on Cage's lifeless body. He's really gone this time. He's gone.

"Fuck!" Kade threw the glass cup at the wall making it shatter into a million pieces. Cages skin started to get pale and that's when I panicked.

"Put his body in the freezer." Kaden picked up his body and disappeared into the basement. Keith stood against the wall staring at the ground.

"His ghost should of appeared..." Keith whispered. He pushed himself off the wall waking away. I could of avoided this, if I just stayed with him longer I could of stopped them from killing Cage. I went to the basement and saw Kaden staring at Cages body. I touched Kaden's shoulder and he turned around hugging me tight.

"Is he lost?" He shook his head and let go of me rubbing at his face.

"Cage's ghost can't be lost. He should of showed up when he died. It doesn't make sense..." Cage's skin got paler and paler as we stood in the freezer. Nothing makes sense anymore. How Cage had dreams about his past life, how he could hear me when I didn't let him see me, and now how his ghost is not appearing. Keith cannot even explain to me what's going on. We really did lose him...

"He will come around right?"

"God we can't think positive Ria Rae if we don't even know the solution nor outcome! Everything's fucked! You should have stopped looking for him! You should have never tried to have a relationship with him! You should have left him alone." I jerked my head back and Kaden disappeared. I looked down at Cage's body one more time then left.


A day turned into two then a week into a month and still no sign of Cage's ghost. Kaden still hasn't talked to me and I don't blame him. If I just stopped trying to find him then maybe that Steven guy would had never killed him, but who knows of the things you should have never done will change the future. Who knows the outcome...

I was still effected by him changing into a human and not expressing how I really felt. The guilt swallowed me my every waking day and I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stop searching for Cage. I should have stopped when Kaden did. Maybe everything would be different. I'm so stubborn. All I had to do was listen. That's all.

My next victim's body was by a river and I saw her crying her eyes out. I kneeled down next to her then lifted up her chin. Her beautiful blond curls bounced as the wind blew softly.

"I- I didn't mean to... I just felt alone and I-"

"Shh. Everything is going to be okay." She cried out some more and wrapped her arms around me right. I rubbed her back and cooed her.

"Tell me your name."

"Elizabeth." I took off my brown contacts and let my gold eyes shine.

"Look into my eyes Elizabeth and think of the happiest moments you had." Elizabeth sat there frozen and slowly a smile formed. Her smile got wider and wider and each time it did, tears will come down her face. I put my hand in her chest and Elizabeth got back to reality.

"Thank you." Then I reaped her soul.

"You're welcome."

"I'm sorry." I whipped my head around and stood there was Kaden with his hands in his pocket. "I know you're hurting too and I should have never ever lashed out on you like that it's just-" I ran up to Kaden and gave him a bone crushing huge.

"I forgive you." Kaden kissed the top of my head.

"I'm so sorry Ria Rae. I'm so sorry." I pulled away from Kaden and smiled up at him.

"Let's get some drinks. Shall we?"

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