Chapter Seven

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"I have learned to live each day as it comes, and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. It is the dark menace of the future that makes cowards of us." ~Dorothy Dix

Ria Rae still stood there motionless. Keith passed the knife around and each one of us cut our hand and held it up letting it drop down. Keith spoke in Latin and the blood disappeared that circled her. We all got up and Keith gave Ria Rae a blanket.

"We have been waiting for you." She looked at me again and then looked up at Keith.

"Thank you for letting me in."

"Welcome Ria Rae." Everyone said walking out and going to their rooms. Keith stepped back from her then nodded at me walking out as well. Ria turned to look at me then I smiled.


"What happened to Ria Rae?" My smile grew bigger. God gold eyes really fit her. "So the entire time you were wearing contacts?" I nodded.

"Interesting. Why blue?"

"I felt like it matched with my hair." This time she smiled and stepped closer to me.

"I'm cold. Let's go." Ria Rae took my hand and intertwined our fingers together walking to my room. When we got in there, there was clothes laid out on my bed waiting for her. She dropped the blanket revealing her amazing body. She slipped on the shorts and t-shirt getting into bed and patted next to her. I took off my jeans and shirt getting into bed with my boxers.

"When I disappeared, it felt like I was gone for hours."

"It feels like that for everyone, but you... you're one of the high ranking reapers." I laughed. "No wonder Keith pressed about turning you." The blue fire reappeared and she started to play with it, twirling the fire around her fingers.

"I'm tired of dying." The fire got brighter each time we waved her hand. "When I disappeared I just saw darkness... then a yellow light appeared and I heard my name being called." Ria Rae shrugged her shoulders.

"That's all I remember." I touched the fire and held her hand. It surrounded our hands and her eyes started to get brighter.

"I like you with gold eyes."

"As do I." Her smile is so beautiful.

"I don't want you to become human." I put my hands down and the fire went away. I scratched the back of my head shrugging my shoulders.

"How are you?" Ria Rae tilted her head at me then got in the covers turning away from me.

"Come closer and put your hand around me." I got closer to her and made her look at me.

"I'm going to miss you."

"You won't, you won't remember me." I kissed her check then her lips slowly. She's right... I won't remember Ria Rae. I'll forget everything about her, about whom I was. I stopped kissing her lips then kissed the other side of her cheek. She lifted herself up to peck me on the lips and then gave me a longer one. Ria Rae pulled away from me running her hands through my hair.

"I'm going to miss you."


I woke up the next morning and realized Ria Rae wasn't beside me. I sat up slowly and looked around the room. Still no sight of her. I got out of bed going to the bathroom to take a shower and the other important things. I got walked out the bathroom drying my hair and there stood Ria Rae in a white flowing dress. Her hair was up in a sleek bun and had gold jewelry on her.

"You look beautiful." She smiled at me kissing my lips softly.

"I guess you knew we are having a little brunch." I wore I nice dress shirt and simple jeans and shoes.

"This always happens when we bring in someone." She nodded her head.

"What do they do when a reaper becomes human?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's rare that it happens." She seems to be taking it well that I'm going to be human... maybe she's holding it all in or forget it. I don't know. Ria Rae held my hand and led me out the room. We walked out to the garden where everyone was and they all stared at Ria Rae then bowed down to her. She looked over at the crowd and smiled at them politely. Already acting like a high rank reaper.

Keith walked up to us and handed glasses of champagne to Ria Rae and I.

"You look beautiful Ms. Rae." She smiled at him and chugged down the drink.

"Thank you. Sorry I was really thirsty." We chuckled at her.

"It's alright."

"I'm going to socialize with the other reapers." She quickly walked away from us and started to talk to Sebastian.

"She's going to be great Cage... I wish you'll be here to see it." I chugged down my drink as hell and took Keith's doing the same.

"Let's not talk about that."

"Of course... because once you make the decision you cannot change it back. So what is the point right?" I looked away from Keith and stared at Ria Rae laughing and joking around with the others. They seemed to already liked their new leader.

"She is beautiful."

"The most beautiful reaper ever." Kaden said standing beside me. I rolled my eyes at him playfully and patted him on the back.

"Oh stop that bullshit. Give me a hug before you turn all mortal on me." I knew this guy for hundreds of years. I would say he's like my brother, my younger brother. He acts a little immature but not to the point where it's annoying. It's to the point where you will forever be entertained.

"Yeah I will be tomorrow." I wish people would stop bringing it up.

"Let us not talk of that sadness dear Cage. Before I leak from my eyes."

"Shut up." I laughed.

"I'll take care of her though." Sure you will.

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