The beginning

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He hadn't ever considered dying young. deep down he thought of death as something disagreeable that happened to other people. during the dangers he had confronted the last week,he had never doubted being reunited with his father. He had,in fact never thought his day could get any worse .

It all started when his shoelaces came undone and had gotten caught under his feet,causing him to trip over at the bus stop. he narrowly missed the bus passing by. not to mention being sprayed like a fountain when the bus drove through the big puddle in the bus stop gutter. he could feel the water seeping through his now shirt,giving him shivers. Evidently, the week before was much worse- his mother had recently passed away from cancer- so customarily he had a right to be pissed.

His black pants and black jacket,were covered in splattered water drops. His father had forced him to go shopping and get some supplies- he unwillingly followed his orders and now he was outside the shopping centre,drenched and cold.It was busy. crowds of people were busily going about there day, entering and exiting the shops from all directions. Pushing past each other without even looking up from there devices.

The sound was immense,it was a blur of people speaking all at once. peoples coats rustled like leaves on an autumns day,and he could hear the clunking of high heels and boots against the wet concrete.there was a slight waft of dirty socks in the air and the squeaks of shoes on the wet floor pierced his ear and forced him to head inside.

He shuffles up to the trolley bay and slots his coin to unlock it, he pulls at the chain but it doesn't come loose. He twists and jiggles it harshly before kicking the trolley angrily and walking away with a grunt.
" oh for god sake il just carry it then" he walks through the sliding doors and into the air conditioned store. In his opinion it was too cold for a supermarket. He swore they were just doing it to give them all flipping pneumonia, he thought to himself as his shirt was still damp and sticking to his chest. His thoughts are momentarily stopped by a elderly man who was walking to the cash counter almost snail speeded with a walking Cain. Of course there was no way around him without knocking over a shelf so he was forced slow step behind him. He growls in his head wanting him to speed up or he'd just shove his way through, but even he had morals and thought it rude and just pathetic. As the elderly man finally leaves a gap to get past he slides sideways with his arms up waving around before his butt swipes a few apples on a stand. He groans and picks them up before heading down the fresh fruit isle. He grabs a couple of fresh tomatoes and drops them into a small plastic bag before proceeding to the next stall of oranges that he'd usually cut up and make homemade orange juice out of. As he reaches the capsicum and chilly section he grabs a small bag and a tong and starts picking them up one by one, looking closely at them intensely like some sort of contest. He feels a bony tap on his lower shoulder before a soft cough to grab attention. He turns around to see a shorter extremely dorky dressed man. He wore a brown and blue checkered v neck cardigan with a blue bow tie along side his abnormally huge gold rimmed glasses that enlarged his soft blue eyes, and his scruffy dark brown hair. He smiles up at him before pointing to the chilly he was holding and pushing his glasses further up his nose to correct his vision.
" hey did you know that chilly tastes hot because they are made up of a compound called 'capsaicin' which bond to your sensory nerves and trick your brain into thinking that something is burning your tongue?" He states rather comfortably and confidently. He stares down at him before twisting the bag and slowly stepping away from him with an awkward smile
" um....okay....thanks for the intel but I'm kinda busy mate" he wanders off into another isle

He hated everything about shopping. He hated the crowds, the queues and the aching feet. He also took exception to overly attentive shopping assistants, the perky seasonal music playing in every store and all the special deals tempting him to spend even more. He even hated the free food samples, seeing them as ideal flu spreading agents. while wandering down the back of the shop ,he noticed the light fixtures above him swaying side to side a little, like invisible people were pushing them like a swing. for those ten seconds of gazing skyward, he walking straight into a young woman, who was thrusted sideways and sent him the other way,landing backwards in the freezer.

" watch where your walking !" he commented irritated,brushing himself off without any concern for her wellbeing. the woman,who somehow wasnt fazed but the situation- as if she was use to it- got up,dusted herself off and waved him off." was an accident". she apologised sincerely.

At first it was a gentle rumble- like a train was passing by; shaking the shelves enough to jingle the glass bottles. It was the moment he heard shattering glass that alerted him that something was wrong. then all at once,the whole building shook violently,thrusting everyone around him to the tiled floor beneath them and sending him sprawling to the terracotta floor. Together,the crowds of panicked customers , scrambled out the doors creating a chaotic mob of screams and shouting as the ground shakes with more noise then a quarry detonation.

Opposite to what everyone was doing- running- he was at the back of the shop and knew he didn't have enough time to try and escape as he notices the lights above him sparking and shorting out- the globes smashing and showering the last of the crowds with glass. Before he could take his next step,the middle of the roof began to literally saw itself in half. A massive crack crawled its way through the middle of the roof until the force of the quake sent it plummeting down sending the once light and crowded shop,into quiet and deafening silence.

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