Chapter 2: Locker Buddies

Start from the beginning

After about fifteen minutes I found my way. There was also fifteen minutes left until the bell rang, so I had more than enough time. I reached the steps of the school and saw people glancing at me, shooting whispers to their friends and either laughing or nodding.

Immediately, I felt somewhat unwanted; their attention was isolating.

Once I walked through the doors, the atmosphere got more oppressive. The room began swirling around me, and I was at a loss for breath. I retreated to the office to get a map of the school, wanting their eyes off of me.

I stepped up to the secretary, who raised her head from her work, at attention.

"Hi. Erm... I need a map?" I awkwardly asked, still feeling dizzy.

She quietly opened a desk drawer, filtered through some folders, and finally pulled out three papers. One for the first floor, the second, and for the third.

"What's your name?" She finally spoke.

"Catherine Bell."

She went on her computer for a minute and then printed out a paper. Once she handed it to me, I closely observed it.

Locker Code: 1353

Locker Number: 42


Period 1: Algebra 2

Period 2: Music

Period 3: P.E.

Period 4: Lunch

Period 5: Biology

Period 6: English 10

I left the office after saying thanks and made my way to my locker. I unlocked it only to dump all of my items into it, knowing I would organize it between my passing periods.

It was five minutes before the bell, and I had no idea where any of my friends were. I hid in front of my locker so that I had room to breathe.

"Hey, Jingle," I heard Jughead say behind my locker door. I closed my locker to see him in front of another open locker, right next to me.

My eyes widened as I realized we were going to be neighbors. "Are we locker buddies?!" I gasped, relieved that I at least had him to talk to.

"I guess we are. The guy next to me left, so here you are," he gave a small smile. "How's your first day in the bullpen so far?"

I let out a sigh, before saying "Hectic."

"I hear ya," he nodded, closing his locker. "It doesn't get better."

"Gee. Thanks," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. I leaned on my locker, listening to him.

"Well, at least I'm honest. Archie told me things would get better, and boy, was I disappointed," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

I laughed a little, appreciating his honesty.

I was caught completely off-guard by the feeling of a wet kiss on my cheek. I stiffened, only to see a group of jocks laugh and run away.

"I should've warned you about that. They always do that to the new girls," Jug told me, distaste showing clearly.

"I would've liked the warning," I nodded, wiping the kiss from my cheek. "Disgusting pigs..."

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