"Are you okay?" I questioned him as we arrived at the bakery.

For a second, he was taken aback, but then he plastered a smile on his face and nodded. "Y-Yeah."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I went ahead and went up to the counter to order the tres leches cake. The lady gladly went ahead and grabbed the cake from a see-through fridge. Once she bagged the contained cake, I paid and thanked her. As I turned around, I wrapped an arm around Ben's shoulders and shook him lightly.

"You need to wake up," I told him.

"I am awake," he said.

"Not really," I retorted as I pinched his cheek. As I led him to the check-out counters, he stumbled along and had to hug onto me to keep himself steady.

"Need coffee, too?" I inquired.

"No," he responded, smiling awkwardly.

We got to check-out and I quickly paid for the two fake crowns. After we got out of line, I placed Ben's silver crown on his head and suggested, "How about we do things you want to do today?"

The blonde looked up at me and replied, "Ah, you don't have to--."

"I'm fine with it," I insisted. "As long as I don't end up smelling like weed."

"Well, that's one thing off the list," he joked and I pinched his cheek again.

"Today's all about me, huh? Okay, then. I know someplace we can go," he said with a mischievous smirk on his face. I knew I was in for something weird, but since he looked better already, I let him have this.

He grabbed my crown from my hand, placed it on my head, then clapped my back and said, "C'mon, king." Energized, he hurried forward and I followed after him.


It wasn't a surprise when Ben took me to an arcade. Earlier, he came to the store via teleportation, but he got the Chevelle after we left. I don't know how the hell he can bring a damn car out of nowhere without getting noticed, but at this point I've learned not to question him.

We exited the Chevelle and strolled into the arcade like we weren't wearing sparkly crowns on our heads. At the front, we paid for two and bought gaming tokens to play. Since it was a Saturday, the place was pretty occupied by birthday parties and families. Thankfully, one two seater table was available so we claimed it.

"Don't make me play any DDR after we eat this," I pleaded, setting the cake down on the tabletop.

"Okay, I won't," he said, raising his hands up in surrender.

The next ten minutes were spent poking plastic forks (courtesy of the arcade's concession area) into the medium sized cake. At one point, Ben took a picture of me eating, so I smeared some whipped cream on his cheek when he wasn't looking. With a grumble, he ate it anyway and tried to get me back with whipped cream, too. I kept leaning away from him, until the blonde wraith stood up to get closer. As he leaned over my back to poke whipped cream onto my face, I avoided a mess by licking it off his finger. He released a startled yelp and yanked his hand away, while I laughed triumphantly.

After we finished the cake, by sheer hunger and a miracle, and waited for it to settle, Ben beckoned me into the arcade area. Immediately, the first game he took me to was a dancing game.

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