Chapter Thirty-Two: Ending Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"No offense taken because it's coming from you." Frederik told Tea quickly before Junky spoke again.

"Says the one not interested in the male anatomy." Junky said.

"That's why I said appreciate."

Frederik then decided to add his input which made me chuckle a bit, "Wow. That's a big word for you Junky. You surprise me everyday." He said sarcastically.

"Hey! Is that because I'm Mexican? Some kind of stereotype that Mexican people are all stupid and don't have an education? I was born in America, you know? I'm a natural born citizen. I finished high school and was even the first of my family to go to college." Junky didn't sound offended at all when he said that. In fact, he sounded proud of himself. Besides, they were probably just joking with one another. They had a history together long before I knew them. They were a tight knit group of friends who worked together. I was almost positive that it was okay for them to say these things to each other but all hell would break loose if an outsider tried the same thing.

"It has nothing to do with your ethnicity and everything to do with the fact that you're a natural born idiot." Tea shot back.

"Low blow, Tea. Low blow." Junky said dramatically. "I thought we were in this together? You and I, a team against the world."

"Since when?" Tea asked.

"Well, since now?" Junky asked unsure of himself.

"Why would anyone want to be 'in this together' with you?" Frederik asked with a snicker. It's sounded like junky had either tripped or pushed Frederik because Frederik yelled, "What the hell?! I could have fallen back! See what I mean by a natural born idiot?"

"You deserved it." Junky mumbled back.

Tea was laughing really hard as she said, "Winter, don't get too mad at him. His learning curve is a circle. It's impossible to teach Junky new tricks."


"Enough." Lion said, "Let's focus on what's important at the moment, okay? You three can argue later." Everyone agreed and I assumed they all got back to their tasks at hand because it got quiet again. "You there, Nico?" Lion asked.

"Yup." I said swiftly. I rolled my eyes at their pointless banter in between everything that was going on and was a bit amazed that they could shift so often. One minute it was all playful and they bickered at each other like a group of old married couples and then at a drop of a dime the mood was serious and all work again.

"Good, so a recap of before we got interrupted. Don't go crazy in there. Stall for time. Don't kill anyone. These suit guys would love for the chance to take both Delacroix brothers to jail on the same night."

"Yeah. I got it." I told Lion.

"Nico... Normally I wouldn't care what happens to you but with what just happened to your father..."

I flinched at just the mention of my father. "You know?"

"Know what?" Junky asked being nosey. "What happened?"

"Yeah. Captain told Tea and me." Lion said ignoring Junky. I thought that that must be a regular occurrence as I thought back to how many times his team, myself included, ignored Junky.l because of the pointless things he's saying. "Apparently there's a big fuss going on in the underground world right now. They all think they can have the Delacroix estate if-"

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