"Baby open this" I said to Karly. She grabbed it out my hand. She ripped it open. "KENDRICK !!" She yelled. "Oh my god" she said. "Baby you got me some red bottoms" she said. She took her socks off and put her new red bottoms on. She walked around. "I'm finna be a bad ass bitch in these" she said. She gave me a kiss. I let her open all her stuff she got purses , make up , money and all that.

Karly walked in the kitchen and grabbed her hot chocolate. "Bae come here" I said. I pulled out this small box. A knelt in front of her. "Nooo" she said. She covered her mouth. She started crying. "Karly will you marry me ?" I asked. She had tears pouring down her face. "Omg" she cried. "Baby, I wanna grow old wit you" I said. "I wanna have your babies" I added. "Karly come on, turn me into a new man" I told her. "I promise to change my ways" I explained

"Karly your my baby , my backbone, my world" I said. I ain't never cried. That's punk shit . But I'm talking to my wife. She wiped my tear. "I know I ain't perfect, but I can make shit happen" i said. "I ain't know , having a one night stand and you having my daughter, would change my life like that" I explained to her. "So Karly take my last name, I need you baby" I said. "Will you marry me ?" I asked. "Yes , yes Kendrick" she said. She kissed me then hugged me tight.

She called Vanessa, showing off her ring. Her and Vanessa was screaming and shit. My phone went off . I grabbed it.

"Congrats bro"
"How you know"
"I'm over Nessa house"
"Where Dyme at ?"
"Fuck that bitch"
"Congrats Bro"
Karly hung up her phone and hopped on my lap and hugged me tight and just cried. "Kendrick I love youuu" he sobbed. "I love you too Karly" I said. "I love you so much" he sniffed. I hugged on her tight. She lifted off my chest and we took a picture . She posted it on instagram "Engaged" as the caption. Jr crawled to my feet and tried to lift his self up. Karly grabbed him. "Noo Move mommy" said Karlynn. "This my daddy" said Karly. "No this my daddy"said Karlynn. I laughed. I pulled out my phone and we took a family picture. We gotta go take some professional ones . "Mommy your ring is pretty" said Karlynn. "Thanks boo daddy gave it to me" said Karly.

"Daddy you and mommy getting married ?" Asked Karlynn. "Yes" I said "Yayyyyy" she cheered. "Daaa" said Jr. We all looked at Jr. He was tryna talk. "Mm" said Jr. "Say it Jr, say ma ma" said Karly. "No Jr say Da Da" I said. "No don't listen to yo dad" she said. "Say Ma ma" she told him. He didn't say nothing. Karly looked at Jr and kissed him. Karlynn got up and played wit her toys.

I watched Karly play wit Jr. He was laughing cause she was tickling him. "We make some cute babies" said Karly. "I know" I said. I kissed her neck. "Let's make some more" I said. "No not right now" I said. "My baby only 5 months" she said. "So what" I said as I attacked her wit kisses. "Can I show you what I got you too ?" Asked Karly. "Yeah lemme see" I said. She got up and put Jr back onna floor. She came from out the walk in closet in the guess room.

She came out wit hella boxes and bags. "Damn" he said. I opened the first box. "Nooo Baby no you did not get me them balmains I wanted" I said, she bought me hella Balmain and Robins. "The blue timbs" I said. I got up and hugged her hard. "Baby thank you" I said. I started dancing. "I got the blue timbs balmains" I said. "Open this box right here" said Karly.

I ripped the paper. "OHH SHIT!!!" I yelled. "Ouuuuuuuuwieee" I said. "Baby You got me a fucking Chrome Mac 11" I said. She was recording me. I pulled it outta the box. I kissed it. "Bae you still got yo glock right ?" She asked me. I pulled it out and took the bullet out the head. "Hell Yeah" I said. "Open that box" she said pointing to a box.

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