The big day.

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6 months had passed and Cas and Dean were sitting in Dean's house. Cas was making breakfast and Dean was watching TV. Dean then got up and walked over to the kitchen. "What are we having?" Cas looked over at him and smiled. He kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Pancakes." Dean smirked. "My favourite!" They two finished making the pancakes together and then ate them at the table. "We are getting married so soon Cas!" Cas looked up from his pancakes. "I know. I'm so exited."
"Me too!" The two were getting married in a week. "Cas. Can you phone everyone we booked and finalise?
"Yeah Dean I will. And Sam is going to be your best man?"
"Yeah." Cas finished his breakfast and then finalised everything for next week. The last week they had as unmarried men went quickly and was nice. Quiet and uneventful but very nice. It was their last night as free men. They had spent the day out shopping and they had lunch in a small cafe. They walked back to Cas' apartment and watched TV for a while. After half an hour or so Cas got up and walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got out the wine. He took glasses from the cupboard and walked back to where he was sitting before. He handed Dean a glass and poured some wine into his glass then into his own. He put his glass up. "Last night of freedom, I guess. And I don't want to spend it with anyone but you." Dean put his glass up and clinked it against Cas's glass. "I will toast to that." They continues watching TV and then when they were both slightly steaming Cas stood up and put a CD in and clicked play. He grabbed Dean's  hands and yanked him up. The music started to play and of course it was Salvation. They started dancing. "Remember this?" Dean laughed. "How could I forget." They laughed and danced until the song ended. Cas kissed him hard and Dean kissed him back. He pounced on him and they took it to the bedroom. They had an extreme night. It was epic and when it was over they lay snuggled up to each other in bed. "I love you so much Cas."
"I love you too Dean." They lay there and eventually fell asleep. It was 6:00 in the morning and Dean was asleep in bed. He woke to a frantic Cas running around everywhere. "Dean! Dean! Wake up." The light in the room was blinding. "Okay. Okay I am up. What's wrong?" Cas had a look of panic on his face. "It's our fucking wedding day Dean!"
"It's 6 in the morning Cas. Our wedding is at half 3." Cas was still hyperventilating. "Okay. Okay baby come here. Stop. Cool off it's fine. We have hours." Cas slowed his breathing and sat on the bed. "Okay. I'm good." Dean smiled. "So what is the plan?" Cas took a breath. "We get ready, go for food and then we could go early."
"Sounds good." They went and got ready. The two did as they had planned and went to lunch. They came back and got everything ready. They packed everything in the car. It was a 15 minute drive. They listened to music in the car and tried to calm their nerves. When they got their they got set up for everything. An hour passed and people started arriving. They had gotten changed but refused to see each other until Dean was walking down the aisle with bobby by his side. Eventually the time had came and everyone was seated. Cas stood in his position in front of everyone. He looked over at Sam and he smiled at him. He looked over when music started and he nearly dropped dead. Dean was beautiful. His Dean was beautiful. Dean saw Cas and smiled. "Wow!" Bobby looked over at him. "You ready son?" Dean looked at his father. "Yeah dad. I'm ready." Bobby smiled and took his arm. They walked down the aisle. When They reached the front Bobby let go of his arm and he walked to his position. Bobby took a seat and they began. It was a beautiful venue. They were outside on a warm summers day. There was white flowers and an arch covered with beautiful flowers that they stood under. The ceremony was beautiful. Everyone was there. "Do you, Dean Winchester. Take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Dean shed a tear and held his lovers hand. "I do." Cas smiled. The priest looked at Cas. "And do you, Castiel Novak. Take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." The priest smiled and then said "congratulations I now pronounce you husbands" Sam wiped a tear from his eye as he watched his big brother gain the happiness he deserved. They kissed and then hugged each other tightly. The reception was amazing. They were very drunk and danced all night. Everyone congratulated them and they had a really great night. They had a massive hangover the next day. They woke up in a hotel near the place. Dean was snuggled up to Cas as he always is. They were both awake yet they said nothing. Cas broke the silence. "Dean. We are married." Dean smiled and looked at his husband. "Yeah. Welcome to the family. Castiel Winchester."

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