The phone call.

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A day had passed. Cas was still having trouble remembering some things. But there was one thing he did remember, one thing he wanted to remember. Dean. Cas sat in his apartment with the knowledge that Dean wasn't far from him. He wanted to reach out to him and see him again. He liked Dean, he liked him a lot. He just didn't know if Dean had felt the same way. Just 10 minutes away in his house sat Dean. Dean had definitely felt the same way as Cas and all he wanted to do was see him again, he just couldn't pluck up the courage to pick up the phone. An hour passed and Cas had enough. He needed to see Dean again, he needed to look into his beautiful eyes and see him laugh at his crappy jokes again. The phone was sat on a table in the kitchen. Cas nearly tripped he was in such a hurry to hear Dean's voice. He grabbed the phone from its stand and dialled the number. As the phone rang the suspense grew, Cas didn't know what to expect. Dean was watching TV when the phone rang. He jumped and then let out a laugh at his stupidity. He walked over to the phone and before checking who it was picked it up and said "hello." Cas smiled, it had been too long since he had heard his voice. "Hi Dean." A look of relief and joy spread across Dean's face. " Cas. How are you?". "I'm good. Ehh well this is harder than I expected." Dean looked confused yet happy as he had an idea of what was coming. "What is?". "Dean. Would you maybe want to go to dinner with me tomorrow?". All that Cas could think of in that moment was please say yes. Dean was freaking out inside. Barely containing his joy Dean calmed himself and said "that would be awesome. What time?". "What about 7?" Dean smirked. "Great I can't wait." Dean blushed, embarrassed he then said "okay well I will see you then." Cas smiled. "Okay. I can't wait." The phone hung up and they both stood there for 5 minutes. They were overjoyed. It was there first date, both of them. Dean's face was wide with possibly the biggest smile anyone could pull. Cas was a close second. Dean exited about tomorrow abandoned his TV and went into his bedroom. He looked out his best clothes to impress Cas. He tried different outfits on for hours until he found the perfect one. Little did he know Cas was doing the same thing. They were both so exited for tomorrow. After they had sorted everything they both went to there beds. All they could think about was tomorrow and how they each get to see each other again.

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