Chapter 22

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Once Marinette stepped through the portal she didn't step out in her own home as she had expected, she was in a dark alleyway with no people, a small smile found its way to her lips, this was good, people wouldn't really react very well to her stepping through a portal right in the middle of the street.

Marinette looked up at the sky, it was already dark, she knew that at least one of this dimensions hero's would be patrolling the city right now, if she were lucky she might find them soon.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Marinette said, not more than a second Hawkmoth stood in her place, finally she would get to use her miraculous outside, she had gotten a bit of training from her friends, but only enough to defend herself. She knew that her miraculous granted her grace as well as a bit control over illusions even when she wasn't transformed, but when she was transformed those abilities power multiplied ten times, and since the butterfly was a flying creature she could even fly.

Marinette hadn't flown any of the times she had transformed before, but Nooroo had told her it would come naturally to her, all she had to was jump high enough. Marinette jumped higher than she thought she would, she flew a floor above the five-floor building she had been standing next to, but she didn't fall down again, she stood still in the air.

It didn't take long before she could control what direction she would go in, she could just lean one way and she would go that exact way.

Marinette flew just above the roofs, but she didn't fly over the street, she didn't want to be seen by anyone else than this dimensions miraculous holders.

After an hour she spotted another person jumping across the roof, in her direction even, as the person came closer she could see the familiar sight of yellow hair and  yellow costume with bits of black, she guessed this was this dimensions version of Queen Bee, the blonde didn't even notice her before she were no more than ten meters away.

"Who are you?" The blonde hero yelled when she saw Hawkmoth land in front of her.

"I'm Hawkmoth, I am the holder of the butterfly miraculous in another dimension" Hawkmoth answered and tapped her brooch.

The Bee themed hero stared at her for a few seconds before she spoke again.

"I'm Abeille, I'm the holder of the bee miraculous here" Abeille took a small pause "you look much like her, except the colors, their darker than Papillon's" she looked up at the stars "could you come with me? I think Papillon would like to meet you."

"I would be happy to come "Hawkmoth replied with a smile "would I be correct if I assume you know who each of you are in your normal lives?"

"Your right, now, come quickly" Abeille said before she leaped over to the next roof, Hawkmoth flew right behind her.


To Hawkmoths surprise they stopped at the hotel that Chloé's father owned, and they jumped right through Chloé's window.

The room was different from the one Chloé from back home had, it had two beds in it, and on one of the beds sat the person who she assumed was this dimensions version of herself, and Abeille was right, Hawkmoths costume were black and dark purple, but Papillons were white and light purple. Whilst she had observed her surroundings and her other self Abeille had detransformed, leaving Chloé behind.

"Chloé, who is this?" Papillon said, her voice were clearly filled with worry, but before Chloé could answer she did herself.

"I'm you Marinette" she said and detransformed "but from another dimension."

The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Papillon dropped her transformation, leaving behind another Marinette.

A/N What do you think, was this a bad or a good idea? I've had this idea since the start of the book and I'm finally getting it into the store. Hope you like it! Q

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