Chapter Sixteen

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"Damn you Duncan!" Jennifer screamed as she heard the van pulling away. "You can't leave me like this," she whimpered. Her own personality was coming to the surface.

Tears began to form as she closed her eyes against the visions the camp was creating. The combination of alcohol, drugs, invading memories and fears wove a screen blocking her from reality. In her mind, she was free and running from those whom she had feasted on. Their ghosts plagued her, wanting to take control even in this drug induced trance.

"Stay away from me!" she cried to the empty room.

"What's the matter?" the male voices echoed in her mind. "Don't you want us anymore? Aren't you hungry for our attentions?"

"No!" she whimpered still trying to escape their presences.

"You took us. You killed us. You now have us, body and soul."

"I didn't mean too. I didn't know."

"It doesn't matter. We're all in this together and there's nothing you or Duncan do to about it."

"Duncan," she whispered. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"He did try," said a sympathetic male voice from the back of the pack. She remembered the voice. It was Terry's. The poor young sailor she had drained at the concert.

"Don't listen to him. Duncan didn't tell you because he wanted you to become just like him, a merciless killer. Think about all the women he's killed over the year. Think about your mother. She was his daughter. He raped her so he could try to plant his seed. Now he's done this to you." It was David's harsh voice talking.

"No," she argued with herself. "He didn't know I'd be like this. He didn't know I wasn't really his daughter."

"And that makes it Ok. He's sleeping with his own children. How many of his children carry this demon's curse? How many will he change? How many will be just like you? How many innocent people will die because of you and him?"

"None," she told herself. "I'll kill myself."

"Really? You're immortal now. You can't die. Even the vampires felt it. You saw it. They knew you both were supernatural and they feared Duncan. Maybe he's even killed their kind before."

She opened her eyes and could almost see those teeth again. Then there were those eyes. Those piercing blue orbs surrounding pupils that could see forever.

"Vampires or blue angels. I'll have to check on that the next time we meet," she thought to herself.

There was a smile growing on her face as she thought about tempting one of them into her lair. She would challenge the myth and test the truth of their sensuality and near immortality. Maybe one of them could end her torment. With these thoughts, she drifted into a restless, drug and alcohol induced sleep.

Jennifer woke to a throbbing wrist and a foul taste in her mouth. As her eyes cleared, she saw where the handcuffs tore the skin of her bleeding arm. The taste, however, was not connected to this. Terror struck her as she saw the bodies of seven rats lying across the room. She hoped she had thrown them against the wall in her sleep. There was no evidence of this.

"Oh God," she whispered trying to form a logical explanation. Logic played no part in her life now. There was no explanation. She killed them in an unnatural method which left no traces. "I've got to get out of here!" she exclaimed and pulled at the cuffs. The pain raced through her.

"Idiot," she heard in her mind. "Don't use force. Pick the lock or think it opened. You know how."

"That's right," she said feeling a bobby pin that had fallen from her hair.

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