Into the Night

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   The alarm of a watch was chiming midnight as he walked into the shadowed bar. The entrance was as dark as his mood. He had spent hours walking moonless streets with no sign of her and his hunger was becoming unbearable. Perhaps it was best she didn't make an appearance at her usual haunts. It was still months before he planned to make his final move and weeks since his last feast. Surely a likely candidate for his attentions would be within this establishment. Slowly he seemed to glide to the edge of the bar.

   "Turbo," he ordered and placed a five on the counter.

   The bartender quickly placed the chilled bottle before the man and picked up the money.

   "Hot night," the bartender commented, handing him the change.

   "It might get hotter," the man replied with a half smile crossing his lips. "Just my type," he stated calmly as he spied the auburn haired woman walking around the corner near the restrooms. He lifted the beer to his lips and stepped away from the bar. Even as he drank, his eyes stayed on his prey. He followed her into the dim interior pausing by the rail as she made her way across the unused dance floor toward the pool tables. The hunger began to gnaw at him as he continued to watch her. She looked like the local beer he was growing fond of, full-bodied with just a hint of sass. He bet she'd be full of passion.

   He remained motionless until she was out of sight. There was only one good spot to continue his secret surveillance. He sauntered down the railing making sure to view all other available temptations even though his first choice had already been made. He turned toward the seats near the pool tables. As he passed the boarded fireplace, he saw all the tables were occupied. There was still one option left to secure a good vantage point. Silently he crossed the floor and stood behind a lone, dark haired woman. She seemed quite preoccupied and unaware of his ominous presence.

   "Pardon me," he said softly, startling her. "You look like a woman with something weighing on her mind."

   "Is that the best you can come up with?" she began with a hint of laughter. "My boss has a better pick-up line than that."

   "It's not a line. I could tell there's something bothering you. I could see it from across the room."

   "That's original. A single woman alone in a bar must have something wrong with her. Isn't that what all you men think?" She attempted to cover the real pain she felt by the sarcasm in her voice.

   "Not at all," he continued, "I can feel something has you quite upset."

   "So you're a psychic," she stated flatly.

   "Let's just say I'm sensitive. If you don't believe me, look into my eyes and I'll be able to tell you what's really troubling you."

  "All right," she said determined to prove him wrong.

   She straightened in her seat and stared into his pale blue eyes. There was an energy blazing in his eyes drawing her deeper into them. She even leaned across the table as he seated himself opposite her. It wasn't until he gently laid his hands on her, she broke out of his hypnotic stare.

   "Well what did you see?" she asked turning slightly away from him.

   "Pain," he began, "Confusion and loneliness."

   "And you're just the man to straighten out my life and keep me company!" she exclaimed harshly. "Give me a break."

   He was about to leave when the auburn haired beauty left in the company of five other friends. There was no way for him to reach out and capture her now. Anger seeped into him as his hunger roared against the emptiness within. Still there was a chance to feed this night. His countenance became one of complete compassion and empathy for the misunderstood creature with whom he shared the table.

   "I didn't say I could do any of that," he almost whispered. "All I know is what I've seen and I ache for you."

   "Sure. Surprise me. Tell me what's really wrong with me," she said I a flush of anger. He felt the heat rise in her accentuating his hunger. His silence and stare infuriated her. His hand moved toward his face only to have it caught and firmly held.

   "Very well," he began and hid his desires behind a mask of gentleness. "You're here tonight trying to figure out what step to take. The man who said he loved you and used you, refuses to leave his wife and children even with the ultimatum you gave. Your sleaze of a boss is again pressuring you to sleep with him or threatens you'll loose your job. Just this afternoon, you were thinking of killing yourself while trying to figure out some way to make Steve want you again. It doesn't have to be like that. You have other alternatives."

   She was stunned to silence. Tears formed in her eyes as he continued talking, explaining with the appearance of true emotion and conviction how such a fragile being should not have to suffer such hardships. His grip was gentle now as he almost stroked the muscles of each finger. The jukebox howled in the background as if issuing a warning but she was lost in his mesmerizing stare. Like a perverse mirror image, their movements were done in exact unison as their hands moved together until they stood face to face.

   "Let's go someplace quiet," he whispered placing his arm around her shoulder.

   No one seemed to notice as they left the bar. She followed his every instruction until they parked in front of a secluded camp on Lake Pontchartrain. Not a glimmer of light was available inside or outside the old structure. Without the guidance of her new companion, Michelle would have plunged off the landing and into the dark, murky waters below.

   A chill passed over her as the door creaked opened revealing only darkness within. She froze, terror gripper her very soul as this man whose name she did not know left her alone in the void.

   "What's wrong?" came his soft voice as he lit a series of candles.

   He extended his arms in a warm and loving gesture. Still is was the light emanating from his eyes that willed her into his embrace. Gently his arms encircled her. Their lips lightly touched. Gone were all the fears and lonely nights trapped within her. Now her body was filled with a passion and overwhelming desire no other man had ever created within her. It didn't matter her clothes were being ripped mercilessly from her body. She didn't care that she lay helpless under him as he forced her to serve his pleasures. All that mattered was the ecstasy which seemed to be flooding her every pore. Her body moved with an increasing energy flowing through her until she couldn't control it.

  Just as she lost herself in the sensations, he gripped her neck and forced her mouth opened. His fingernails dug into the base of her skull as he began to feast. An unnatural force drawing the feelings out of her. Now there was only pain as every speck of passion, energy and life oozed onto his waiting tongue. Pain replaced by terror as she realized he wasn't slowing or stopping. He was still using her body as her life was sucked away by his hunger and lust.

   Hours later, he awakened from his satiated sleep and moved off the corpse beneath him. He licked his lips and kissed the limp hand.

   "You were wonderfully delicious," he stated mockingly. "Now it's time to check on my future love." His laughter echoed in the camp as he drove off in Michelle's new car.

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