Chapter Fifteen

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Jennifer woke as the moon rose. Carefully, she slipped out of Duncan's embrace and walked to the bathroom. She started the shower and let the steam fog the mirrors before stepping into the hot water. As the heat relaxed her muscles, her mind opened. A moment later, she stepped out with an evil grin on her face. She dried off and returned to the bedroom. Duncan was still asleep as she silently retrieved her clothes, took money from his wallet and the keys to his car.

She walked into his garage and saw the silver van. "Bastard," she said to herself. It was loaded with equipment or she would have taken it. She opened the corvette and got in. She hit the door opener as soon as she started the engine. She went to the nearest mall and purchased a different outfit. One more fit to her planned activities. She purchased a new supply of makeup and headed back to Duncan's place.

He was still asleep. She changed, did a quick make-over and headed out again. This time she headed for the French Quarter.

Moonlight swept over her form as she moved silently down the street bordering the night-life areas. There was a slight tinge of hunger in her but tonight she was out for sport. Her mind was captured by thoughts of conquest and her prey would have to be a handsome, strong, arrogant man. Someone just like David had been.

She neared Bourbon Street, keeping to the shadows where she could survey the crowd unmolested. She watched several of the not-quite human individuals flee from her. It was like they could sense the danger from her. She saw several likely prospects as they crossed her path. Suddenly a loud voice caught her attention from the bar across the street.

"Perfect," she whispered and sauntered from the darkness. There was no deviation from the line she made straight toward the boisterous man. He was laughing at the woman which has asked him a simple question.

"Don't you think I have better things to do," he yelled. "You think I would come on to a dog like you?"

The woman was practically in tears from his verbal assault. Jennifer stepped between them with her back to the man. "I think she's rather attractive," Jennifer said touching the woman's face comforting her. "You OK,? she asked the woman.

"Yes," the woman replied.

"You should go find someone nice to talk to. Then make sure you like him before you sleep with him. This one's a pig," Jennifer stated.

The man was looking her back up and down. She turned around as the other woman walked away.

"You seem pretty tough with a defenseless woman. How are you with one with claws?" Jennifer asked.

A smirk crossed his face. "Just come here and I'll show you," he replied and reached for her.

She slipped out of his grasp. He stepped forward and tried again. A quick back step put her out of his reach.

"You have to do better than that," she said seductively. "I don't like slow men."

Half angry, half intrigues, the man lunged for her. This time she stood still holding him back by pure force. A look of astonishment crossed his face.

"How are you..." he began.

"I'm stronger than I look and twice as tasty," she replied.

"You're a woman aren't you?" he asked thinking her to be an impersonator.

"One hundred percent," she said placing his hand on her crotch. "See, only girl parts," she whispered stepping closer to him.

A smile crossed his lips and she knew he was hers for the taking. It all seemed too easy. There was no challenge in it yet she decided to give him what he thought he wanted.

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