XI. And You Sort of Snuck up on Me

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"Well first off I owe you an apology. I, in no way, had the right to threathen you. It was extremely uncalled for. Seeing you and Scott that night.. it reminded me of when he and I first dated. But he looks at you differenly. What you said this moring, it's the truth. I'm the crazy ex-girlfriend that can't seem to let go. Even thought it was I that ended the relationship because all this werewolf world was jsut a little too much. After loosing my mom, and aunt it all took a toll on me, and being with him was all too much, but the point is, I'm sorry.. I really shouldn't have threatened you. When my dad told me about your family's situation I-I instantly formed a connection with you, although I hadn't met you yet because I know what it's like to have something this big kept from you. But seeing you and Scott, jealously over took me and things got outta hand, So there.. I'm sorry Camille. I truly am, and hope from this point we can become friends." 

As she walks away all my hate and uttter madness towards her slowly starts washing away, it isn't easy apologizing to someone, but I respect her for doing. She was an overall sweet girl, who in a way had the same thing happen. She lost her family at the hands of werewolves, had this kept a secret to her all while falling helplessly for a boy- who was a werewolf..heck we were practically the same person. Beacon Hills you got me in this twisted world.

The day had gone bt painfully slow, I found myself falling asleep by second period.I had Scott on m back all day. I hadn't intended to speak to neither him or Stiles today about what happened. I know they want to ask questions and explain all they know, but after my encounter with Allison I thought that'd be enough for a day. Boy how hard is to keep these boys away for a day? Impossible.

" Scott, Stiles I see you." I say as I scan the bookshelves in the library. Trying to hide behind the shelf I am scanning probably isn't the smartest move.

"We just wanna talk, please.' Scott says coming up to me, in literally half a second. Oh right, werewolf.

"Well talk then." I give them my full attention, and at the moment Scott never looked so good.

" I-We just wanted to make sure you were okay. It a lot to take it, this new world. I don't blame you right now if you are extremely mad at me for not letting you in on it sooner. But like your father said, it was best for you.It was to keep you safe, and I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you, if I wolfed out and hurt you cause I let you know about me." The way he speaks is making me melt on the spot and I am adoring every moment of this.

"Um, well thank you. I'm still shaken up about it. Uh, Stiles you think I could talk to Scott alone?" Giving him puppy dog eyes, he agrees on one condition.

"Only if you promise we're friends again, and you give me a big hug?" I chuckle at his request and immediately dove in for a great hug, Stiles is one of the sweetest guys I knew.

When we were alone,I took a step a little closer to him.

"I had an encounter with Allison today, actually twice. First time was at five a.m., I basically called her a crazy bitch, that can't seem to get over her ex-boyfriend who she whole-heartedly broke it off with. But then before school started we had another lil chat, well she just spoke. But she apologized for threat to stay away from you and all that. And If she thinks that she's off the hook she isn't, but I did appreciate it. Hearing about what was going with my dad, and seeing you shift," I whisper, and look around to make sure no one else was around to hear. " I wasn't afraid, to see you like that. Although I was very baffled. I wanted to walk up to you and feel what it's like. But Scott, there's no more hiding things from now on okay? No secrets from you, no more surprises and I-I promise to come out from hiding and to possiblly make what ever there is between us work out.." He has shock in his eyes when I said the last sentence.

He inches closer, and our lips meet from the first time. Sounds are now muted, and time literally freezes. His hands slide up the sides on my neck, and onto my face. The warmth of his hands, put me in a comfort. Every sad feeling disappears, any upset feeling vanishes, and any worry is gone. HIs lips feels like they were made to fit onto mine's.

"Well, ahem," Stiles is staring at us, with a huge smirk on his face " looks like we're all friends again."

We all laugh. Scott opens his hand, just like that friday night, and I take it. Both he, I and Stiles make our way out of the library, finally things can go back to normal. At least this is normal as it; cause what is about to happen next is something that will change my life, forever.

Finally another chapter, thanks for the +1K reads! I am baffled about it, please let me know if I could add something to make this story more exciting!

xoxo tia

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