We Will Rock You

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I should explain about the mob turning on Garret. We owed that to Melanie, some other kids from school, and an idiot with a smartphone. One of the townspeople who'd burned Shantytown had recorded the whole thing, including the deaths of my friends Allen and Kallie. He'd also captured his own involvement in burning down Steven's house. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, he'd uploaded the video to the Internet.

Melanie and some others had been trying to rally people to our side when they saw it. Afterward, they went to everyone who'd expressed disapproval over what Garret had done and convinced them to meet the next day. Showing them the video had been the final nail in Garret's coffin. About an hour before we'd arrived, they'd barricaded the mob participants in their homes and taken out the other Zombie council members. They'd just finished when we walked into town.

That video had one other serious repercussion. Fifty-six adults and ten teenagers were arrested on a variety of charges including assault, attempted murder, and murder, all with hate crime status. Two of the teens would be tried as juveniles and sent to a detention center until they turned eighteen. Everyone else would likely receive sentences ranging from ten years to life. It was being called a precedent-setting trial and no deals were offered to the defendants. I'd probably have to testify, but I wasn't worried about it. After everything I'd been through the last few months, appearing in court was the least of my worries.

No one was charged in the deaths of the council members. As far as the law was concerned, Garret had killed them once they'd found out his secret. As for the pastor himself, nearly thirty people testified they'd seen him trip and fall on the plastic shard. Osborne was at peace for the first time in twenty years.

As for how the whole peace thing worked out, well, Mom and I moved back into the trailer even though some people suggested we take Garret's mansion. We declined, but were grateful for the help cleaning up, including the men who came by and scrubbed the big red X off the door. Instead, Garret's house became a shelter for all of the now-homeless Zombies. The church donated clothes, food, and other essentials, promising to take care of them until they were able to get back on their feet.

The salon rehired Mom with an official apology, a raise, and her own space to do styling and whatever else she wanted. The tips alone were more than she'd ever made back in the city. Her customers and co-workers were super-friendly and, for the first time, I think she enjoyed going to work.

As for us kids, well, we headed back to school for the final few weeks. Kieran was made interim principal and got the school board to pass a statute allowing us to take finals on just the material we'd already covered. Those who were seniors, like me, would get to graduate. The others would receive tutoring over the summer so they'd be ready for regular classes in the fall. Oh, and the prom committee decided they liked our band idea so much that they hired us to play the prom the weekend after we came back.

As soon as I heard we were allowed at the prom, I asked Lilly. Not only did she say yes, but her dad didn't shoot me, which was a huge relief. Rob was going with Melanie...shocker! And, to my surprise, Benjamin-the guy who'd sat with me that first day I came out-asked Megan, one of the Zombies who used to come by the trailer and listen to me play. Overall, everyone showed such solidarity that it even caught the attention of the media...who, as it happens, were still hanging around hoping for another story.

On prom day, Mom surprised me with a van big enough to pick up all my friends and haul our gear around. She'd had it detailed with a giant guitar-a Gibson of course-painted on the side with the words "Zombie Rock" in large letters. It was perfect. She rode with me to Lilly's house so she could take pictures of us. I offered to take her back afterward, but she said she'd wait there until Kieran picked her up. She was going to be his date to the prom...as chaperones. I had a feeling I would catch some grief from my friends. After all, nobody wanted their mom dating the principal. Oh well...at least Kieran was cool.

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