Chapter 7| Pip

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We separate as we arrive back at my house. As soon as I'm free from Damien's control, I lash out. My palm connects sharply with his cheek, his head snapping to the side upon the unexpected impact. The noise of my palm against his cheek echoes disturbingly in the empty house.

Damien stumbles, only due to the fact that the attack was so unexpected. He's a demon, so in reality he wouldn't have even flinched. He steadies himself, hand against the wall in the hallway.

"Ouch." Damien says simply, his cheek blazing red in a hand print. "What was that for?"

Oh, the nerve! What did he think it was for?!

"I am surprised you have the nerve to ask such a thing," I scoff, arms folded. "Isn't it obvious what you have done?" Damien shrugs, holding his cheek. His eyes are twinkling in the light.

I feel the urge to strike Damien again, but I hold back. He may be a rude, arrogant demon, but I am not. 

"Fighting, arguing, stealing and hooking!" I exclaim, extra emphasis on each word as it leaves my lips. "Why're you so horrible? Why can't you be kinder? You're ruining my life! Why would you touch that stranger like that? Why would you steal, fight and speak to Gregory like that?"

Words continue to pour from my mouth without my consent. I rant and rant, asking Damien hundreds of questions beginning with 'why'. When I'm finally finished, I'm panting slightly and Damien's cheek has returned to the pale white it once was.

"You're finished with your rant?" He asks. I nod, my fists clenched. "I'm a demon, Phillip."

"Well, I'm definitely not an angel. Yet I still treat people how I wish to be treated."

Damien gags, standing up straight. "Don't quote the bible on me. You'll make me puke." I glare at Damien for once again disrespecting my religion, about to speak until he butts in. "And though you may not be an angel, you're definitely as beautiful as one."

His words ring in my head, my cheeks burning and stomach twisting. As my heart race increases, I curse myself.

This idiotic demon. He's said so many things. So many nasty things. They've effected me, made me blush, but never made my heart race like this. This is the first genuine compliment that has not been accompanied with a raunchy comment about my behind.

"That's the first compliment you've given not followed by something dirty." I voice my thoughts, giving Damien a confused look.

"Would you prefer the lewd comments?" Damien asks, a hint of a smirk on his lips. His eyes glint mischievously.

I simply roll my eyes at Damien in annoyance, and make my way to my father's study. I haven't read anything in a while, and a good novel does seem very inviting.

Damien doesn't follow me into the room as I take the borrowed copy of A Tale Of Two Cities and sit in a chair beside the unlit fire. I only manage to read a page before Damien floats in, his arms crossed and humming.

As quick as a lightening flash, Damien snatches the novel from my hands and peers at the title. Then he groans.

"A Tale Of Two Cites? What a bore!" He exclaims, effortlessly tossing the literature into the ash filled fire place. Before I can even open my mouth to protest, he snaps his fingers and the grate burns brightly with a fire.

I yelp, ready to get up and rescue my novel from the fire, or what's left of it. Yet before I can rise and rescue, Damien hands clamp down on my shoulders. He secures me in the seat, floating with his legs crossed just inches above my lap. As the smell of burning paper engulfs the room, Damien moves so our faces are mere centimetres apart.

"Go out with me." Damien demands, not even asking in the form of a question.

My breathe is caught in my throat which causes me to cough. I turn my head to the side, itching to put my hand over my mouth but it would cause my hand to brush Damien in an inappropriate way. So I cough away from the demon, still trying to maintain my manners as each cough causes my eyes to water and throats to ache.

"W-what?!" I exclaim after the fit of coughs cease, giving Damien a strange look.

Damien releases my shoulders, and my eyes trail to the fire place where the novel is most likely a pile of ashes.

He floats back, legs no longer crossed. He makes a gesture. "As friends." He casually adds.

"We're not friends." I mention.

"As lovers then." My eyes widen, heart races and cheeks flush. Another fit of affection from me to Damien, which makes me want to hit myself.

"I don't l-love you." I curse my voice for the stutter and for cracking at the end of the sentence.

Damien groans, throwing his hands up in the air. "Just.. go out on the town with me! I won't possess you this time, I'll make myself look human, see?"

Damien, surprisingly, drops to the ground with grace in his step, and he begins to transform into a human version of himself.

His white skin darkens to a natural pale colour, his cheeks which were once tinted grey are tinted pink. His ears curve, the point disappearing and his cheeks dimple. His hair lightens to a brown, his eyes following suite into a mixture of maroon and light brown.

Damien then opens his mouth as I stare, sticking his tongue out at me and wiggling it. His teeth are straight and human-like, his once grey tongue a rosy pink.

I curse myself once more; Damien is a very, very attractive human.


I aim to have another Possession update out, but my Internet is very crap

Possession (COMPLETED) (South Park) {DamienxPip}Where stories live. Discover now