Chapter 15| Damien

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I sigh in annoyance, slamming the door to Pip's fridge shut. There's practically nothing in his fridge! No wonder he looks like a stick. I float back towards the study, walking being to much effort. Pushing the door open, I come to see Pip gone. There's a note, something scribbled down an a yellow sticky note, and I approach it.

As I pick the note up to read, I glance at the mobile phone beside it. It's Pip's, obviously.

"'Gone to the shop to buy some more food.' Well, thank fuck for that." I place the note back on the desk, taking Pip's phone and falling back onto an office chair.

I manage to entertain myself for around ten minutes, messing around on the internet. I quickly get bored, deciding to look through Pip's photos. There's not a lot, around 100, and most of them are of a girl. I tut, feeling jealously flow through me. It's irrational jealousy, but I'm a demon and everything I do is irrational.

However, there is the pictures I took while in m human form. He still has those, and that stops the jealousy. Then I see another picture of the scowling blonde girl and I want to attack her.

How many pictures does he need of one girl? Pip's in some of them too, smiling and holding her hand. In others, he's dressed as her and she's dressed as him. They do look alike, and I did come to the conclusion that their siblings until a picture where they are kissing.

How Pip took this, I have no idea.

Why Pip took this, I have no idea.

Who this girl is, I have some idea.

It's the same one from the picture in his room.

I then get bored of pictures, and find myself snooping on his contacts. All together, he has an impressive six contacts. Half of which are family members. He has his parents, his grandma, Gregory, someone named Estella and Christophe.


That's the same name shown when he got that text while reading.

It's wrong to look through another person's phone, but then again it's wrong to peruse a 27 year old man as a 16 year old boy, and I did that.

Clicking on the contact, it takes me straight to messages. Expecting some lame conversation about French bread, I scroll up. I freeze while scrolling, one word standing out to me within the texts.


"Fuck!" I curse. This cannot be a strange coincidence. Christophe and Gregory pining me to the locker, threatening me with crosses and then Pip reviving a text about an exorcism.

They cannot exorcise him.

I've possessed him for too long. With each possession, I get more attached to Pip, literally. It has gotten to the point were our minds are almost connected, soon enough I'd be able to hear his thoughts without having to possess him.

If he gets exorcised now, he will most likely not survive.

Pip could die, and I don't want that.

I grab the phone, clutching it tightly in my hold. Hurriedly, I search through the texts to see if Christophe tells him a location. When it doesn't, I groan. Slipping the phone in my back pocket, and swiftly leave the house after Pip.

Instantly, I begin to contemplate all of the areas Pip could be while walking. If they're doing an exorcism, the most logical place they could be is a church. I quickly make my way to the sacred building, stopping just as I get to the oak wood doors.

If I enter the church, something bad will happen to me. There's definitely crosses lining every wall, bibles scattered on every bench paired with hymn books, piled on the floor beside each pew.

Possession (COMPLETED) (South Park) {DamienxPip}Where stories live. Discover now