His Skin

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The young Uchiha stood at his locker, looking down at the note in his hands, he was starting to realize that every other note was a compliment while the rest was to express how his admirer feels. Sasuke had seen many people smile at him the day before, blonde and not, however, there was a blonde that gave him one of the brightest smiles he had even seen on someones face, it might've even been contagious.

Dear Sasuke,

Your skin is quite pale, have you ever been told that? Well, it is. It's almost vampire like, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it sparkled under the light. Your skin tone is much lighter than mine. The tone of my skin looks like I have a tan that most would spend hours to get. Anyway, enough about me, your skin tone definitely fits with your hair and eye color.

Have a lovely Tuesday!

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