Chapter 25

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Pete and I sat at the dinner table in silence, nibbling on our pasta slowly. Neither of us said anything to each other the entire dinner. He was acting like he didn't go and punch Brendon, and I felt like it was my responsibility to scold him for it.

"Why did you do it? I thought it didn't matter."

"I just had to get it out of my system... I didn't want to take anything out on you so I went to the source." Pete looked at his plate and twirled the pasta around his fork.

"So you beat his ass?"

"Would you rather I beat yours?" He dropped his fork and looked me in the eye.

"No..." My gaze dropped to my food. Pete has never hit me, or threatened to do so before and it scared me. I know I couldn't fight him off if I had to. I would be completely at his mercy. "Would you actually do that?" I asked softly still looking at my plate as I twirled the pasta around.

"I... no. I'm sorry, Patrick. I would never do that. I'm sorry, babe." His hand reached out to the middle of the table, and he stared at me as he waited for me to close the gap with my hand, but honestly I was afraid to. Pete has an anger to him since he came back that wasn't there before. "Patrick... I couldn't imagine hurting you like that." He looked at me with big sad eyes that almost made me believe it. I placed my hand in his and he grasped on and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I love you."

"I love you too." I pulled my hand back as soon as he loosened his grip. "I'm kinda full. I think I'm gonna go take a shower." I stood and grabbed my plate.

"You hardly touched your food." He said as I walked to the kitchen, cutting him off.

"Patrick?" Pete called my name as I walked away from him. I dropped my plate of food in the sink and ran the garbage disposal. I went through the living room to go upstairs so I wouldn't have to see Pete again, and I crawled into bed because I couldn't find the energy to go shower. I don't know how long I lied there until I fell asleep, but I know it was about midnight when Pete lied down beside me and woke me up.

"Pat?" He asked putting his arm around me.

"Hm?" I asked still in a sleepy haze.

"Will we ever be okay?" He asked in a sad soft voice.

"I hope so." I whispered. "It's all that I want."

"Me too." He said. We lied next to each other in silence for a few minutes, both of us just staring at the ceiling. "Why don't you talk to me about things?" Pete asked from no where.

"What do you mean?"

"You always pull thoughts and feelings out of other people, you force them out if you have to, but as soon as it's your turn to talk about how you feel, you close your mouth and you never do."

"I'm just a private person. You know that."

"You use to not be."

"Thing change." I said.

"You've always said people don't change." Pete said.

"They don't. Just because I don't talk about my feelings anymore doesn't mean I'm any different."

"Do you think you can tell me what's wrong with us?" He asked, still looking at the ceiling.

"If I explained everything that was wrong with us, I'd think we would he here all night." I answered. There was a break in the conversation where we could only hear each other breathe. "I'm afraid of you Pete." I said quietly.


"Because I thought you changed. You convinced me so well that you changed, but at the end of they day, we are the same people we use to be when we were together a year and a half ago, and that terrifies me. I'm afraid we will never be better than we were. I'm afraid nothing will change."

(A/N) I'm sorry it's short, but I don't feel like this had to be a long chapter with what I wanted them to say to each other. Also, I'm not a big fan of the new FOB single. I don't like it at all actually and I'm really upset and disappointed. I'll still go to their tour though.

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