A Happy Life

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A year after Sherlock's drug incident and John going off to Afghanistan just to get shot and be sent home, Sherlock proposed and John said yes.

Their wedding was nothing short of sweet and calm. The both of them wore matching suits, and Sherlock said that hats were absolutely off the table. He claimed to hate them, but John knew that he spent more time on his precious hair than he let on and didn't want a hat to mess it all up.

After a long discussion on where they should hold it, they chose Mycroft's home. Sherlock had asked him if it was all right, seeing as it was big and quiet enough, and he agreed.

Mycroft paid for all of the expenses, and although he wouldn't allow his face to show emotion around anyone but John and Sherlock, he felt ecstatic inside. Mycroft wouldn't really admit such a private thought to anyone, but he was happy for his baby brother. He'd found love, and Mycroft couldn't have been more proud of him than he was in that moment. His baby brother, who grew up being different and ridiculed and judged, overcame everything and owned his disability; he'd created a life for himself, apart from his mind's idea of how it wanted him to be.

Sherlock, according to Mycroft, is nothing short of amazing.

For once, Sherlock was glad that he didn't have that many friends, as he wasn't sure if he could handle a lot of people at an event as big as a wedding. The few people that he did ask to come were overjoyed.

When Sherlock asked Mycroft to be his best man, he told Sherlock that he would be honored to. John asked Lestrade, who said yes in a heartbeat. Sadly for John, he didn't have that many close friends, either, so his options for a best man were very limited; Lestrade, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson, and Molly seemed to be all that he has, and Harry couldn't even be arsed to reply to him any time he tried to contact her.

John wouldn't really consider Mike a close friend, as they hadn't spoken in years, but he does consider him a good one. Otherwise, he would have asked him. But, he felt a lot closer to Lestrade than anyone else, so he felt comfortable with his decision.

The reception was nice and peaceful. Sherlock and John danced for the first few minutes before everyone else joined in. Sherlock had smirked at John and asked who had taught him how to dance in a teasing tone, to which John responded with 'you did', which made Sherlock laugh.

Whomever happened to lay their eyes upon them in that moment would see nothing more than two ridiculous, crazy, amazing men in love. The entire night they smiled, laughed, danced, and kissed every once in a while.

Sherlock, at one point, tried to get Mycroft to dance, but his brother would have none of it - until Lestrade asked him, to which he had blushed and took Lestrade's hand in his before following the shorter man onto the dance floor.

Molly had recorded most of the reception for them, as did Mrs. Hudson, and the pair burned a copy to present to them the next day.

Their honeymoon was spent inside the walls of 221B Baker Street. Sherlock had said that he didn't care where they went, so long as he was with his husband. John agreed, and so they had spent their entire job-free week in the flat.

Mrs. Hudson brought them treats throughout each day along with a few comments of affection towards the both of them about how happy she was that they had finally decided to make it officially official.

Long ago, Sherlock was once a lost little boy, unsure about how to take in the world around him. His entire mind was a puzzle, and as he grew, it grew with him. Each new piece only got bigger and bigger, clicking onto more and more pieces, until he met John. John was the missing piece to his endless puzzle. Once Sherlock met John, it all clicked together. His entire mind, unfinished and lost, was solved and completed, all because of John Watson.

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