Entertainment in Mystic Falls

Start from the beginning

"That mutt," he spat out and stepped real close to me. "I thought I told you I like girls," he whispered, smiling, staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"And yet you don't have a girlfriend..."

He tilted his head to the side. "Yes, I wonder why?" he mused with his eyes locked to mine.

"Excuse me?!" Lisa interrupted, gesturing with the pool cue straight towards Damon's chest. He grabbed it in a split second, making me jump in surprise.

"Don't want to ruin the shirt," he muttered and I swear I heard Tyler snicker over by the bar.

We kept playing another few rounds and the competition between the two guys was getting worse and worse. They were just inches from pure hatred and that was the time Lisa and I had enough.

"You guys have a great time; we girls are going home now." We turned on our heels and walked, not in a perfect straight line, but still towards the door. On our way I noticed that Stefan and Elena had left.

When we got out, both Tyler and Damon were already there. How the hell could they manage that? We must have been more drunk than I thought.

"I've got this, mongrel! You go inside again; I'll take care of the girls," he said with a smirk.

"Sure you will, Jaws!"

They were actually starting a fight, buffing up and walking around all cocky like two big lions taking aim and staking claims.

"Knock it off guys!" I slurred a bit and went in between them with a hand on Damon's chest.

He looked down on my hand. "Are you trying to feel me up now?" His smile was gone and he looked challenging at me with a crocked eyebrow and his lips pressed hard together.

I removed it fast. "I said knock it off!" I did my best to use my authoritarian voice and I felt sober all of a sudden. "Tyler, I'll see you in school; Damon, you're coming with me." I took him by the arm and dragged him towards the car. "Are you sober enough to drive, or do I have to call your brother?" I glared at him. "Or perhaps we should just walk home."

"I'm certainly not sober enough to drive." Lisa giggled while Damon was still glaring at me.

"Get in the car; you will not walk home in the middle of the night. God knows what's out there." He muttered and Tyler snickered again.

What was with the two of them?

* * * * *

Waking up with a hangover was not something I had done since I moved here, but this morning I really made up for it. Even Angels purring was painful I realised when I woke up with him in my bed. With a moan I stumbled downstairs desperate to find some aspirins.

"Good morning," Damon said with a smirk.

"No; bad morning..." I muttered and walked carefully to the kitchen and found the can of aspirin, swallowed two of them and gulped down a whole bottle of water.

"Didn't you drink enough last night," he teased, but I only glared at him and left the kitchen without a word.

"Emilia!" I heard a hissing voice when I walked past Lisa's open door; I think she intended it to be a yell, but it came out as nothing more than a hiss. "Aspirin?"

I snickered and regretted it immediately as I felt my head pound. I nodded, and regretted that too. I went back downstairs and met Damon in the parlour; he held the can of aspirin out and two bottles of water.

How did he know? Okay, he saw the shape I was in and it didn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that Lisa was in the same shape as I was. With just a grateful smile I took the aspirins and got back up to Lisa, handed her the pills and one of the water bottles and then I plopped, no I carefully laid down beside her on the bed. She pulled the cover over us and we did our best to go back to sleep.

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