Chapter 4

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My long sleep is interrupted by the sound of my iPhone, I lean out of bed to see who the heck this late and I see that they are the 10:00. It was the twentieth alarm sounded.

-"Oh my God!!! How long have I been asleep, shit shit shit! "

I run to the bathroom I wash, I wear a black t-shirt with the same colored jeans and I get out of my flat. My iPhone is ringing and I answer:


-"Alex are J'onzz J'onzz was spotted an alien before the pubs close to your apartment."

-"Ok, I'll be there soon"

-"I'm going, bye!"

I go immediately in front of the pub and I see Maggie comes towards me.

-"Hey, but we always meet at work?"

She says jokingly.

-"Apparently Yes! What happened this time? "

-"A man with powers has harmed some passersby"

-"Ok, thanks, now I'm on"


-"I almost forgot, to learn more about you, would you like to come with me to the pub tonight?"

The blonde from the night before approaches her and leaves a light kiss on the lips, taking her by the hand.

-"I'm sorry I can't tonight, sorry, though I didn't think you were into women!"

-"No see, you're wrong I wanted to go out with you, just as a friend"

-"Ok, but as I told you before I'm going out tonight with Emily, maybe another time"

-"Yes, sure ...It will be for another time ... "

After that I go to the scene of the incident, I arrest the alien and take him to the DEO.

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