Chapter 3

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Within the apartment I share with my little sister, I go straight to the fridge and get a nice bowl of chocolate ice cream, my favorite. I sit on the sofa, turn on the television and see through the News, which today,Supergirl saves the city from an alien, who's from an enemy planet of Krypton, who obviously wanted to murder Kara.
Cast away this nasty thoughts and while I get some nice spoonfuls of ice cream, I think back to what happened an hour ago.
I think back to what were cute Emily and Maggie when they kissed, and I think back to how the brunette said that is her normality. She said that phrase so simple but almost to make me envy the fact that she is gay, me who cares I'm straight, in fact I like the guys, those beautiful and muscular and that carry a gun with him at all. This last detail is important because it makes me feel protected and indeed a man must always protect his woman!
The doorbell rings and I go to open, is Kara, I'd bet that you forgot your keys again! In fact, I'm right. Kara enters apologizing and nestles close to me on the sofa and starts to eat ice cream. She asks me how was my day and I tell her,leaving out some details that could traumatize her and then she tells me about her day. After this long talk we retire to our rooms and we go to bed.

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