Avoiding the issues

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna take that risk. Leanne's happy now. We both are and there's no need to bring up the past. Ryan and Anna were Leanne's parents and always have been and you need to quit going on about it" I shrug and turn and leave the room before he can say anything.

I really do feel bad for what happened to Carley and if the situation was different then maybe I would have told Leanne, but it's not. Randy keeps talking about what I'm doing not being fair, but I don't think it's fair to put pressure or stress on somebody when I know they won't be able to handle it especially when shes 7 months pregnant and even if Leanne can handle it. Ryan and Anna are still the ones that raised her and loved her and gave her a great childhood so it's also not fair to say all these things about them when we don't even know if it's actually true. We have Carely's side of the story and Maria's, but Ryan and Anna are gone and can't defend themselves or give their version of what happend that night.

When I get to my office, I open the door and see Leanne has gone and I nervously rush down the corrider to go and find her, hoping she didn't overhear any of my conversation with Randy.

Leanne's POV

"What about something like this?" Janet asks showing me another picture of yet another dress on her laptop. "Yeah, it's nice" I shrug. "Nice? What part don't you like?"

"It's a nice dress. Why are you so concerned what I think?" I giggle "because we need a nice outfit for your birthday"

"My birthdays not for another three months" I point out. "I know, but we need to start looking for what your going to wear now so you have time to prepare. We were all thinking of going for a nice meal to celebrate"

"That's sounds great, but you do know I'm gonna be giving birth before then? I'm planning more for that right now" I giggle "I know, but I just thought it'll be nice to start looking now"

"You mean you just want an excuse to go dress shopping?"

"Fine.. you got me" she giggles at takes Bugsy from me, giving him a cuddle. "He's looking so much better now" she smiles stroking his head.

"Is it ok that I brought him here?" I ask "of course. Why wouldn't this little cutesy be allowed in here" She coos at Bugsy and I tell her about Randy. "Don't worry about Randy. I think he just doesn't like cats, but that's his problem not yours" she smiles and starts looking at Bugsy's collar.

"Is that a real diamond on his collar?" She asks examining it closer. "Yeah, Me and Micheal thought it'd look cute instead of a plain one" I shrug. "But you liked it too? Not just Micheal?"

"Yeah why?" I ask confused "just wondered" she shrugs innocently. "So do you prefer big diamonds or..."

"Janet!?" Micheal says rushing into her office nervously. "Have you seen Leanne!? She was in my office and..."

"I'm right here" I giggle, putting my hand up and he sighs in relief. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you" he smiles giving me a hug. "Sorry. I just came in to say goodbye to Janet before we left. Is everything ok?"

"Everything's perfect" he smiles and pecks my lips. "C'Mon let's get going" he says taking my hand and helps me up from my seat.

"We'll talk more about going shopping later" Janet smiles, handing Bugsy back to me and I smile back through pursed lips and leave.

I do enjoy spending time with Janet, but lately all she seems to do is constantly talk about dresses and my birthday which is weird since it's so far away.

Micheal's POV

"I'm sorry I got you all worried" Leanne says when we're leaving the building. "I just went to say goodbye to Janet and we got talking"

"It's fine, I don't mind you going to talk to other people in the office. I just got worried when I saw you were gone is all. I think it's great that you and Janet get along so well" I smile. "What were you guys talking about?" I ask casually.

"Dresses. That's all she ever talks about these days. That and what restaurant to go to on my birthday and what I'd want to eat on the day"

"You know how Janet is. Always likes to plan ahead" I smile. "True. But my birthdays not for three more months, so there's no point buying a dress now. I would have given birth by then and hopefully lost my baby weight by then"

"You could always just pick a style you like best then get it closer the time" I suggest casually "I guess so" she shrugs and gets into the car.

After a few minutes of driving Leanne goes really quiet and when I turn to check on her, she's leaning back in her seat and looks like she falling asleep. "You ok?"

"Mhm. I just feel so tierd latley. I don't know why, I barley do anything these days" she yawns. "If you want we could cancel the restaurant and just order pizza or something"

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'm a little tierd myself actually" I smile slightly and she smiles back the same way.

When we get home Leanne goes upstairs to change into some pjs and I check my phone and see I have a message from Janet and it's pictures of some dresses Leanne has commented on that she likes and I smile, looking through them as I'm starting to get a better idea of the style of wedding dress to get.

She has alot of dresses, but their all different styles which made it a little harder to know what kind to get, but Janet has been helping me out alot lately and has managed to keep it quiet on the reason she keeps taking to her about dresses and her birthday.

Leanne still had no idea I'm going to propose to her or that I've been planning the wedding for her birthday. I have everything ready now other than the dress and actually proposing, but those will have to wait until closer to the time.

I know it's only three months away, but the closer it gets it's starting to feel like time is slowing down and everytime I see her I despretly want to just propose there and then, but I've been planning this for almost a year and I don't want to ruin it by saying it now. I want everything to be perfect. I can't wait for Leanne's birthday to hurry up and get here becuse not only will she be turning 18 and the day I propose, but it's also the day that no only will she be the love of my life and mother to my many children I plan on having with her, but it's the day I finally get to call her my wife

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