"Mrs. carter it seems to be that you daughter has been having disruptive behavior"

Oh shit no....

"Many emails was sent home regarding these altercations-"

"Altercations....what altercations?" I asked confused

"For the past months jasmine has been getting into arguments with the students on campus. She has been disrespectful towards the adults and her teachers"


"Okay but I wasn't notified of any of these doings. I'm sorry, but what's going on" I spoke still confused

"We have called you several times, sent letters, emails. Everything that we could to do to reach out to you"

I shook my head, "I haven't received any of those. All my information is on the emergency card"

He looked at the computer I guess bringing up the emergency card that I signed at the beginning of the year.

"Okay it says here that your phone number is: 909-878-4381 is that correct?"

I shook my head. "No my number is 909-878-4813. I don't know where you got that from"

I'm whooping her ass

He sighed, "that is in the computer. Uhh is your home address 7843 brookside st. 8620 manhattan, ny?"


"No it is not. Who gave you this false information?"

He sighed rubbing his head, " it was turned in by your daughter with your signature"

I nodded my head, "may I see the copy of my signature?"

He nodded and turned the computer so I can see the emergency card. I looked at the signature and It's not my signature but it's very close but it's isn't mine.

I shook my head looking at all of the information understanding why I haven't been receiving any alerts anymore. It's because all this information wasn't true. Not one bit. It shows me as her aunt and her dad as her brother.

"This is ridiculous" I said in disbelief, "so why am I in here"

"Well your daughter was involved in a fight with another student for the second time causing the teacher to get injured and a few other students also she was caught with the possession of drugs"

I frowned, "drugs?" I shook my head, "not my baby. She doesn't smoke I know that for a fact"

He shrugged, "well when she was brought into the office she had marijuana in her possession"

I narrowed my eye brows, " can you explain to me what caused this to spiral out of control?"

"I normally let the student explain-"

"Please call her in"

He nodded pressing a mic, "send jasmine back to my office"

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