"I guess I shouldn't wear this anymore," Riker said. I shook my head.

He stood up and helped me up. I cleaned up, and Riker said he was going to get a shower. I walked out, and Nicole came around the corner while drying her hair with a towel.

"What was that about?" Nicole asked.

"Morning sickness. The name is a lie," I said and sat down. Nicole laughed.

"When do you find out the gender?" Nicole asked.

"Next month," I said.

"You know what we should do?" Nicole asked with excitement, so I immediately got scared.

"A reveal party," she said while grabbing her phone off of the coffee table. She pulled something up and handed it to me. I read it. I handed her phone back.

"So, we get an envelope with the gender inside, and we find out at the party while everyone else knows?" I asked. Nicole nodded.

"Yes!" I yelled. Nicole smiled.

"Rydel and I will plan it! Yay!" I smiled.

"It will be fun!" I said.

"What will be fun?" Riker asked as he came around the corner, drying his hair just as Nicole had.

"A gender reveal part," Nicole said.

"What's that?" I explained to him, and then I went to get a shower. I got a quick shower and got dressed. I dried my hair with the hair dryer. I walked out and went to my room. I looked at the time, and we had to go. I walked into the living room. Riker was watching TV, and Nicole was on her phone.

"Do you want a boy or a girl, Jamie?" she asked without looking at me. Riker looked up.

"I don't care," I said. I didn't really care as long as the baby was healthy.

"Well, a girl has some cute stuff for a reveal party," she said. I laughed because she was stupid. Riker rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked Riker.

"A boy would be cool," Riker said.

"Yeah. We better go," I said. Riker stood up, and we walked to the door.

"Bye, Nicole!" I yelled. Nicole never looked up from her phone, but she waved. Riker drove because now he knew where the doctor's was. The ride was quicker because I wasn't as nervous. We got out of the car, and we rushed in because we were a little late. When we got in I signed in, and we were able to be the next to go back.

"How is everything?" Dr. Goldie asked.

"Morning sickness," Riker answered for me. Dr. Goldie nodded.

"How long does it happen?"

"It can be off and on all day," I answered.

"Yep, that happens. Cravings?"

"Not really," I answered. I lifted my shirt up some, and Dr. Goldie put the gel on. She did her thing, and pointed to the screen.

"Woah," Riker said. The baby had grown so much.

"Do you want a copy?" Dr. Goldie asked. I nodded. She stepped out.

"It's not even feeling real," I said.

"Well, it is!" Riker smiled. Dr. Goldie came back in. She handed the ultrasound.

"Oh, how are the pills? Dizziness?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Perfectly fine," I said.

"I will see you guys next month," she said and handed me a wipe. I wiped off the gel.  We followed Dr. Goldie out to the desk, and made another appointment. A few couples were in the waiting room. We left. We were riding home when a thought enter my mind.

"I'm either going to be a knocked up bride or a bride with a baby," I whined. Riker looked over at me for a second and looked back to the road.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a slight laugh.

"It's not funny," I said while laughing.

"You're laughing," he said.

"Well, I don't want to be!"

"Don't worry about it. Are you in a rush to get married?" Riker asked.

"I wasn't," I said and looked at my stomach. Riker noticed because he laughed.

"Jamie, won't it be more fun because the baby can be the flower girl or the ring bearer," Riker explained.

"Yeah, I guess." Riker pulled into the driveway. I got out, and Riker followed. When we walked in, I smelt pizza. I saw Nicole already getting a slice or two already.

"I hope y'all want pizza," Nicole said. I nodded. Riker sat down at the table after he got his plate. I joined him. Nicole sat beside me.

"Show me the ultrasound!" Riker handed it to her.

"Oh my goodness," Nicole screeched.

"The baby grew so much," I said. I looked at Riker, and he was smiling.

"You know what's weird?" Nicole asked and handed the ultrasound back to Riker.

"What?" Riker asked.

"Y'all are actually going to be parents," Nicole said. Riker and I laughed.

All of this still did not seem real.

(a/n- Sorry for the filler. Oh, whale!(; It will get better.)

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