Chapter 12 - Sick

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Riley could tell that something was bothering Lucas, ever since he had gotten home from work two days ago he's been a little distant. With the lawsuit and their jobs, they hardly saw each other if it wasn't involved with either. She missed and she wants to talk to him but she doesn't know how, so she waits until he's ready to talk but a week passes and nothing. Maya had come over to help her with some desserts she wanted to try and make for the business and she couldn't help but confide with her friend what she was afraid of.

"Maya," she says while looking down at the batter she's mixing.

"Yeah Honey," Maya says looking up at her with those blue eyes.

"Did Josh ever become distant all of a sudden?"

"You mean like he would stop talking to me, well there was that one year after I kissed him, but I don't think that's what you mean. Is something wrong Riley?"

"Well about a week and a half ago, well Lucas came home with this look on his face, you know the look, like someone kicked a puppy in front of you. And since then he hasn't really talked to me and I miss that. We used to talk," she said feeling dejected.

"Have you asked him? You know instead of being Riley and trying to wait until everything falls apart before you fix it."

"Maybe I should talk to him tonight, I'm just afraid, there's so much happening and I'm scared that it finally got to be too much."

"Riley," Maya grabbed her face with both hands and looked her in the eye. "Talk to him."

"Okay Peaches," she said smiling.

When they finished with everything Riley packed up sample boxes for everyone to try, one box for Maya and Josh, her parents, Farkle and Isadora, and even Zay and Vanessa because they had a date that night and Riley needed to get Vanessa ready for Zay's sugar addiction. Riley sent Lucas a text message about dinner as Maya took the boxes from her and delivered them to everyone while Riley sat in her living room waiting for Lucas to come home. She set up candles, and their dinner around the coffee table, the desserts in the middle and a blanket for the floor. She even started a fire in the fireplace, opening the window in case it got too hot in the room. She waited on the couch until she fell asleep waiting for him to come home.

Lucas had stayed in the office longer than he wanted to, he had gotten a phone call from the lawyers in the case, since they had so much evidence against both Victoria and Logan, including the amount that had been taken from Riley. The lawyers wanted to talk about putting together a deal, Lucas wanted jail time for Logan regardless of anything the man was guilty of several crimes. They had come to an agreement in which Logan and Victoria had to pay Riley over three million in damages, on top of the money Logan had taken and the interest that she would have accumulated from her savings account.

Logan was also put on a federal watch list, in case he would think about committing the same crime against someone else, or even for insider trading. As well as a restraining order against both Logan and Victoria, so that they wouldn't be able to be where Riley was or where he was. Victoria had protested the restraining order because she runs in the same circle as Lucas, but he didn't budge on it. It was either the restraining order or they went to trial and someone would defiantly end up in prison. When he was done with the call he had spoken to Riley's mother a little longer. She was interested in opening her own practice after all, because the tension in the office had become too much since the lawsuit. Lucas said he would open up a space for her to have, but she'd have to take Zay with her. Mrs. Matthews also said that she wouldn't take her client list, and told him that it would be different if they willingly followed her and that included him, but Lucas automatically told her that he would continue doing business with her.

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