Chapter 6 - Cookies, Conversations, and a little Something else

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Riley couldn't sleep that night, she closed her eyes to make Lucas think that she was sleeping and then she waited until his breathing evened out and before she could relax. She laid there looking at the ceiling as Lucas slept next to her, she wanted to know if they had a chance at a relationship as friends, since they're married, but didn't know if it would be weird. She didn't know where she stood with him, and it unnerved her because her heart, the traitor, would beat uncontrollably whenever they talked or if his eyes met hers. It was insane they've only known each other for a day and yet she was reacting to someone she barely knew.

It took her an hour to fall asleep from exhaustion, but when she did flickers of a long ago memory kept filtering in. The story of little Lucas mixed in with her own memories of the little boy she had met all of those years ago, now he had Lucas' eyes and his light brown almost blonde hair. His skin was sun kissed except it was winter, and his smile was a million time brighter. He was a little prince there to save her. The memory played in her mind over and over again, a happy memory that warmed her heart.

As the night went on she dreamed of a world where she and Lucas had met under different circumstances, when her best friend made her let go of a subway pole and Riley went flying backwards onto his lap. She couldn't hear what they had said to one another but it was a nice dream. When she got to school the same day the boy from the subway was there, they grew up together, they learned each other's secrets, they did what they did best every single day, they talked. The last part of the dream was of him holding her close as they watched the sunrise.

It took Riley a minute to realize that the last part of the dream wasn't a dream but something that was actually happening. Sometime during the night, she had pulled herself out of the sheet that was separating the two of them and attached herself to Lucas. Only now they were spooning and she could feel the warmth of his breath on her bare shoulders.

"Uh... Lucas," she said trying to wake him.

"Shh I'm living a fantasy I have of waking up next to this beautiful woman and you're ruining it right now," he whispered in her ear sending tingles throughout her body.

They were married so this should be normal but for some reason that was the one part of their relationship that they hadn't defined. It worried her because she was afraid of falling in love with him when all he would want was a contract that expired.

A pounding on the door startled the two of them followed by Zay's voice, "Hey Lucas, we're going to be late so hurry up damn it."

"Shit," Lucas said jumping out of bed and running into the closet to change. When he came back out he was wearing a dark blue business suit and all Riley could think about was how warm he had felt not too long ago.

"Have a good day at work, I'll bring you some lunch later," she said smiling at him.

He stopped and looked back at her for a moment, "Riley we need to talk about something but since I'm late I can't right now so it will have to wait until tonight."

She didn't know what he was talking about but the thought of them talking without someone interrupting them for a least a moment made her happy. She set her alarm so that she could sleep for another two hours before she started making lunch for Lucas and Zay.


Lucas sat at his desk as work, the meeting had ended at eight and he didn't know what to do with himself. The first thing he thought about was killing his best friend for interrupting what he was doing with Riley, but it would be too much of a problem. Although he would be talking to Zay when he came over for their afternoon meeting, because as much as he loved the guy like a brother he didn't want him sleeping over anymore if Riley was going to be wearing those short silky rompers.

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