Chapter 51 The Heart-Breaking Kiss

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                For the rest of that time, I was smiling, and I didn't even know why. Alex's presence really was amazing. He blew off that frustration on my face. I was smiling the whole time. I never talked to Alex. We just stared at each other. Of course, we couldn't really reveal anything to anyone until it was the right time. Harvey and Laura were spouting out random funny stories, and we were laughing all the time. Alex and I also had small talks. It was also quite a funny atmosphere around us. Alex, Harvey, and Laura really got along quite well. But Nick got a little quiet. I mean, we tried to ignore it, but he just making these weird sounds like he was trying to get our attentions. It was a little disturbing. We just stayed like that for like an hour. After eating, we just continued talking to pass the time.

                "So, what is that you plan on doing after graduating?" Harvey asked us as he stretched. He looked at Alex and started with him. "Alex?"

                "Well, of course, go to college." Alex chuckled and grabbed a sip at his iced tea. "I was accepted in some colleges. I haven't really decided which one to take."

                "Okay." Harvey nodded.

                "But Liyah, Harvey, and I are going to Berkeley, so in case you might want to, you could go with us." Laura said.

                "Okay." Alex turned to me and smiled. He looked at me like there was some good news; well, there really was. I had the feeling that Alex might go to Berkeley with us. Alex continued to smile at me and talked, "UC in Berkeley was actually one of the schools that I applied on."

                "That's great! Come with us, then!" Harvey exclaimed.

                "That's cool." Alex laughed. "I'll think about it."

                "How about you, Nick?" Harvey asked Nick then. Nick seemed a little like a drunk person. Well, he wasn't drunk; he just seemed like one, sulking. Alex got a little intrigued with Nick's attitude.

                "Well..." Nick took a deep breath as he was gently bumping his arm to mine. Then, he faced me and said, "Go to college like Sander, but other than that, I was hoping I'd get my girlfriend back."

                "Very funny." I teased and rolled my eyes. I took a turn to Alex, and he did seem a little bothered with Nick's behavior.

                "I don't even know why she dumped me." Nick continued to blabber. Honestly, it was starting to get annoying and awkward. Alex seemed a little ashamed as Nick continued to talk nonsense. "She just wanted to have sex, and I banged her, of course. Then, she dumps me for no reason. Maybe my stick's not long enough for her. I guess it didn't pass her standards."

                "Nick, shut up." I said. It was really starting to annoy me. I tried my best not to face or look at him even when he was like pushing his face to mine. Harvey, Laura, and Alex stayed a bit quiet since Nick was getting a little hostile.

                "Oh, please, Liyah." Nick pushed himself even further to me. He sounded like a crazy dude or whatever, "My stick back then wasn't even half of mine now. Get back with me, and you'll like it."

                "You're disgusting!" I yelled as I tried to push him away.

                "Oh, come on!" Nick started to yell, too. "You're going to break up with me just because you found out that other guys' sticks are better than mine?"

                "Nick, we're in a restaurant." Laura pointed out to him. "Keep your voice down."

                "Thank you, Laura!" I sarcastically said. To be honest, I was getting a little worried... not at Nick, but at Alex. I didn't want him to believe a single thing Nick said.

                "Fine." Nick said and faced me. "Mind if we talk outside, then, Liyah?"

                "Fine." I told him straight on. Then, he stood, and I followed. We slowly walked away, but I turned my back a bit to see Alex. He looked a little worried as Nick and I walked outside.

                Nick brought me to the street just outside the restaurant. It was nighttime, so it didn't really matter if we argued there. It was a little cold, and Nick seemed really off. It was actually the first time I saw him like that. For the first time, I saw him fight for something. When he got a little calmed as I was ready to listen to what he said, he took heavy breaths like he was going to say something weird or whatever.

                "Liyah, I'm really sorry." He seemed a little different from back at the restaurant. I guess he was just bipolar. "I'm really sorry if I humiliated you in front of Sander. I just couldn't help it."

                "It's okay." I crossed my arms and sounded a bit furious. "Alex knows better than to judge me. But I'm really disappointed in you, Nick. Were you even trying to make Alex think that I'm slutty or whatever just because you know that I had sex with him on the snowball dance night? That's very desperate of you, Nick."

                "Yeah, I'm desperate all right." He nodded. He started to overreact a little. I could see him, letting small tears run down his eye as he talked. "It's because I've been so crazy lately. I've been avoiding you lately. It's because I wanted you to miss me, but it doesn't seem like you do. But me, I missed you every day. I'd keep wondering if ever I at least slipped through your mind or if you still got a little concerned of my well-being since we haven't seen each other for a while now. I keep missing you, Liyah. You always slipped through my mind even when I tried so hard to forget about you. I told myself that I could move on. I made some new friends, too, but you're still the one in my mind. I told myself I didn't care, but fuck no! I still care about you! No matter how hard it was for me to see you and Sander like that, I tried my best to take it in, but it's so hard because I love you so bad, Liyah. Please, Liyah. I realized these past few months that I can't go on without you. It's just not me. I grew to love you. You were the one who saved me from those bullies back at elementary. You were still the one to save me from this loneliness. So, please, Liyah. Give me another chance."

                "Oh, Nick." I started to tear up with him. I started to feel sorry for him, but he was right. I never even gave a thought about him since the days I hadn't seen him. It was really bad and selfish of me. I started to cry, but I knew what I had to do. "I'm sorry, Nick. I really appreciate that you feel that way about me, but I love Alex. I'm really sorry, but I just don't feel the same way for you. I know that Alex is the one, and it's not because he's more attractive or that he's stick is longer or whatever. It's just hard to explain. I'm sorry if I've been such a bitch to you."

                "Why are you pushing yourself to him, Liyah?" he continued. "He doesn't love you. He's someone else's boyfriend! You're just getting a little blinded right now. You're just a little in love with the wrong guy, Liyah. You can get over him and start off with me again, right?"

                "Nick." I shook my head as I let the tears go down. "You're wrong. He loves me. You just don't understand."

                "Don't, Liyah. Don't do this to me." He shook his head as he reached for my arms. He started to hold me. "Please, Liyah."

                "I'm sorry. I can't." I said as Nick held me on the arms. Suddenly, Alex came out of the restaurant door and saw us. Nick was really desperate. He knew Alex was looking, then, Nick pulled me and kissed me right when I was about to call Alex. I tried pushing Nick away, but he was pulling me hard and kept kissing me. From beside us, I was looking at Alex. He looked really surprised. It was long enough when Alex turned back and went in the restaurant again like he regretted seeing that kiss. Alex got out of my sight when he walked away. That's when Nick let go of me and stopped kissing.

                "Liyah." Nick stepped back in shock, like he was unsure of what he did. "I'm sorry."

                "You fucking bastard!" I yelled at him and boiled up. I pointed a finger at him and warned, "Don't go near me ever again!"

                Nick got stunned with that. Then, I rushed into the restaurant to chase for Alex. I didn't know what to do or what he thought, but I knew I had to change his mind. It was actually very stunning, too. It was all sick of Nick. That time, all I wanted to do was to kiss Alex and change his mind, but it seemed a little harder with what Nick had done.

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