Cherry Knots

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Author: hepburnettes

Status: Completed

Chapters: 12


 Declan Harte, class clown and notorious troublemaker, has never had trouble landing girls, or dating them…until it comes to the ultimate determining factor of every romance:

A kiss. So when Eloise McAllister, the quiet, shy girl of the class surprises everyone by tying a cherry knot with her tongue during a challenge, Declan knows that she's the one who can help him perfect his kissing technique. It should have been easy. After all, what kind of trouble could one cherry knot possibly bring?


 So this is a short story that talks about how Declan wants to learn how to kiss. But it doesn't focus on him, he gets closer to Eloise with each day she teaches him.

It also talks about Eloise life, and what happened in the past that made her what she is right now. It is great story with great description, and awesome twist. It's not like the other cliches where she happens to be the flawless girl and he just fell in love with her, no. It shows how a person can love the other with only seeing their actions

Things I like about this:

 It is absolutely adorable to no end. I loved reading it, and I would read it over, and over again. 

Favorite Character:

 Declen! He is soooooooooooooo cute! 

Rate: 9.6/10

Why: Read it and you will find outttt ;3 [ I was going to give it 9.8 but then I thought against that since while I was reading, I knew the ending of how he is going to explain... I don't want to spoiler it for you, so just read it and you will find out what i'm talking about.]

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