Our Song

365 10 1

Author: MP13Girl

Status: Completed.

Chapters: 35


Leah is beautiful, outgoing, and popular. Because of this, she's gotten everything she’s ever wanted. Except for one thing. All she's ever really wanted was to please people, but she never seems to be able to. Unlike her friends, she doesn't care about any of the superficial things that seem so important. To Leah, if something isn't fair, it just isn't right. So when an isolated classmate named Blake gets to listen to music during class while no one else can, she can’t help but feel annoyed by him.

When their English teacher partners the two of them up for a project that will last them the entire school year, this only adds fuel to the fire. Their assignment is to create a song describing their relationship. Sounds easy, right? Not for these two.

Blake is different, and Leah is about to find out that different is just what she wants and needs. But what she doesn't know is that Blake has a secret, and it's something he desperately wants to keep from her. Falling in love with someone isn't as easy as it might seem. Life isn't fair, but Leah and Blake are about to find out that love isn't either.


This story is awesome! Seriously. It is really cool, with an amazing story-line that you don't have to have a trouble to follow with. I loved both of the MCs, I loved how their love grew by each chapter, how they were, and how they became. I was a little annoyed at the ending, but then I realized that it had a sequel which made me really happy. 

I would recommend this story for who loves to read about relationships between the oh-so-popular girl and the freaky guy. Or who loves to read about love between a sick person and a normal girl.

Things that I like about this:

It's not that cliche, it doesn't suddenly changes the feeling of the MC by a snap of a finger. No, actually how the loved each other was the cutest thing I have ever read here. 

Favorite Character:


Rate: 9.7/10

Why: Perfection, perfection, and perfection. This story is written with perfect hands, guys! And again, I won't give anyone a 10/10 since there is - of course - no perfect book on wattpad.

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